If Porridge (oatmeal) Doesn't Fill you Up!


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
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Does a bowl of hot porridge (oatmeal) fill you up or do you get hunger pangs, mid morning ?

  • People have massively different portions size. Some people have a few tablespoons of porridge, others have a massive bowlful. A quick scan across a few recipes and packages showed serving suggestions from 35 to 75g of oats per person. There is no right or wrong to this; a little bit extra everyday might contribute to weight gain or might be just enough to help you resist that mid morning biscuit.
  • Some people embellish their porridge with all kinds of nutritious optional extras like fresh and dried fruit, seeds and nuts (I am very firmly in this camp).
  • As I mentioned in that last post, not all porridge oats are equal. Old fashioned big fat porridge oats are low GI; instant oats are not.

when we have our Saturday morning steel cut oats we have almost one cup shared between us (one cup dry) and to this I usually add about 1/4 cup of split red lentils (well rinsed) and at the end of the cooking time I add about 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed

frozen cranberries are added into the pot too and then we have thawed frozen berries, a banana, sprinkled hemp seed, cinnamon, a few walnuts, some maple syrup

a side of toast with peanut butter

it keeps us going all day until dinner time

Emma JC
when we have our Saturday morning steel cut oats we have almost one cup shared between us (one cup dry) and to this I usually add about 1/4 cup of split red lentils (well rinsed) and at the end of the cooking time I add about 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed

frozen cranberries are added into the pot too and then we have thawed frozen berries, a banana, sprinkled hemp seed, cinnamon, a few walnuts, some maple syrup

a side of toast with peanut butter

it keeps us going all day until dinner time

Emma JC
View attachment 1236

That looks tasty. :p I really like the steel cut oats that you get in North America and they taste different to the
processed ones. I did buy some when I was in the US and made Alton Brown's (Good Eats) recipe and I really like it.

I wish that I could buy them over here.
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That's funny because I don't think I would have known about steel cut if it wasn't for these....


I don't buy them anymore as they are much more expensive than the bulk option that I buy but that is where I started. Are you sure you can't buy them in the UK? it is the original home of porridge.

Emma JC
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wow, Amazon UK has the above can for £14.49 - that's crazy, they also have another brand for £5.94 for a kilogram so 1/6th of the price and I think you also have Bob's Red Mill over there as we do, no?

Emma JC
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a bit more research and I found out they are also known as 'pinhead' oats in the UK and there is an organic vegan source on amazon for just £2.27 for a kilogram which is getting closer to what I pay here - I think about $1 Canadian per pound or 1/2 kilogram

Emma JC

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That's funny because I don't think I would have known about steel cut if it wasn't for these....


I don't buy them anymore as they are much more expensive than the bulk option that I buy but that is where I started. Are you sure you can't buy them in the UK? it is the original home of porridge.

Emma JC

I've never seen them over here. I bought mine from Sprouts Farmers market in bulk. They take very long to cook ; around 25 minutes but are worth the wait. :p

I've never seen that brand. Where did you buy it ?
a bit more research and I found out they are also known as 'pinhead' oats in the UK and there is an organic vegan source on amazon for just £2.27 for a kilogram which is getting closer to what I pay here - I think about $1 Canadian per pound or 1/2 kilogram

Emma JC

I've never seen pinhead oats in shops. I know that you can order them for online shops :

I buy just regular oats in the bulk food section. I think its something like $2/lb. I use a half-cup dry and a cup of soymilk, a tbsp of ground flaxseed and a handful of berries. If I get hungry before lunchtime I have a banana.

I have these reusable plastic "jars" that I take to the store. I label them with the bin number and the weight of the jar. All the checkers know how to subtract the weight of the jar from the price - so I must not be the only one who does this.
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I get very full from oats. I like to make overnight oats with fruit, nuts, nut butters and almond milk. I usually use half a cup of oats when I make the overnight version. I have sometimes skipped lunch because the oats were so filling.
I get very full from oats. I like to make overnight oats with fruit, nuts, nut butters and almond milk. I usually use half a cup of oats when I make the overnight version. I have sometimes skipped lunch because the oats were so filling.

I often make museli but it's still the same story. It never keeps me full. I really need to have a high protein breakfast. :rolleyes:
when we have our Saturday morning steel cut oats we have almost one cup shared between us (one cup dry) and to this I usually add about 1/4 cup of split red lentils (well rinsed) and at the end of the cooking time I add about 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed

frozen cranberries are added into the pot too and then we have thawed frozen berries, a banana, sprinkled hemp seed, cinnamon, a few walnuts, some maple syrup

a side of toast with peanut butter

it keeps us going all day until dinner time

Emma JC
View attachment 1236

This isn`t quite the typical bowl of porridge that the majority of people eat plus you do add pulses (lentils) and a lot of fruit What kind of liquid do you cook your steel cut oat in? Do you add any other liquid to the dish before serving?
This isn`t quite the typical bowl of porridge that the majority of people eat plus you do add pulses (lentils) and a lot of fruit What kind of liquid do you cook your steel cut oat in? Do you add any other liquid to the dish before serving?

yes, not typical for sure - I use the oatmeal as a medium for lots of healthy things... just water, lots of water, no other liquid

Emma JC
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This isn`t quite the typical bowl of porridge that the majority of people eat plus you do add pulses (lentils) and a lot of fruit What kind of liquid do you cook your steel cut oat in? Do you add any other liquid to the dish before serving?
Dr Gregers group advocates for a porridge with barley, rye groats, oat groats and lentils---called the BROL bowl!
I tried adding lentils to oat groats and did not like the texture.
I just use water for liquid
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I've been just microwaving my rolled oats for 50 sec, but lately went back to doing it longer on the stove, like 5 minutes. I add flaxseeds, and now wheat germ, and either raisins or prunes, and berries or apple and cinnamon
I like it better this way
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I take half a cup of rolled oats. add a cup of soy milk. Heat it in a microwave for 3 minutes. Add a tbsp of ground flax seed and add a layer of either strawberries or blueberries.
Or. sometime a banana and a tbsp of peanut butter powder.
I have a lot of other recipes that I use for variety . From InstaPot to Overnight. Many of those recipes I've posted here on the forum

I don't really ever get hungry anymore. In fact sometimes I forget to eat. However, when I'm watching TV at night I usually want a snack. I think that is basically conditioning.
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I take half a cup of rolled oats. add a cup of soy milk. Heat it in a microwave for 3 minutes. Add a tbsp of ground flax seed and add a layer of either strawberries or blueberries.
Or. sometime a banana and a tbsp of peanut butter powder.
I have a lot of other recipes that I use for variety . From InstaPot to Overnight. Many of those recipes I've posted here on the forum

I don't really ever get hungry anymore. In fact sometimes I forget to eat. However, when I'm watching TV at night I usually want a snack. I think that is basically conditioning.
I love adding nuts and fruit -- fresh or dried -- to my oatmeal, especially when I make overnight oats. There are so many options for oatmeal. Apples, walnuts, raisins and cinnamon is a tasty combo, especially in the fall. And love fresh berries in oatmeal. I also like to do chocolate and and peanut butter in overnight oats.
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I love oatmeal but I can't eat it with any other additives other than a banana and maybe a few nuts. Of course I need a little bit of soy milk. I would love a tiny pat of vegan butter but I try to stay away from that.

I start out with half a cup of dry cooked in a cup of water which is the recommended serving size. Then I add a teaspoon of sugar and soy milk. Most days I have a hard time eating the full serving but even when I do I get hungry two hours later.

Unfortunately, oats are on the foods to avoid list for ckd as are bananas. I'm not going to avoid either forever though ...I'm sure having it once in awhile will be fine if I'm careful with what I'm eating the rest of the day.
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