Hey there! :)


Forum Senior
Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone! I'm a 23 year old Canadian, who is currently transitioning into a vegan lifestyle. (Would be 100%, but as I live at home with an unsupportive family it can make it difficult. I make as many vegan choices as I possibly can with my living situation, and as soon as I have my own place, I'll be 100% :D)

I'm going straight from Omni and right into veganism. However, thoughts of being an Omni has been a challenging thing for me since a young age. When I was around six or seven, that magical age where you truly put it together that meat = the cute animals, I had misgivings. I had questions. I was upset. Then my family laughed and ridiculed me, successfully making me feel like I was strange for questioning meat, and brainwashed me into believing that if I didn't eat meat, I'd be sick and unhealthy.

When I was around ten, I had questions about dairy. I thought the whole thing just seemed weird. Then the same thing happened with my aforementioned meat situation, and once again was unwillingly brainwashed.

Even during my consumption of animals and their by-products, I have always been opposed to fur coats, and leather clothing etc. I've always made a point of purchasing faux leather purses, and none of my clothes are made of fur or leather or any other animal body part they try and sneak in. Same goes with my cosmetics and skin care.

Recently I did research about the vegan diet. I was always tricked into believing that vegan diets were unhealthy, and that we had to kill animals to survive, no matter how unsavoury that seemed, so I was curious as to why all the vegans I'd happen upon seemed so energetic and healthy. Imagine my disgust when I learned that not only is it not necessary to harm animals for our diets, but it's actually way healthier not to!

Anyway, long story short, I'm glad I've finally made it, even if it took longer than I would've wanted. Hope to have fun here, and to find support in this community during my struggles at home.

In addition to my interests in veganism, I love animation and graphic novels. I like reading a lot -- though most of my reading choices are YA books such as the Percy Jackson series, and Dianna Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci series -- and going on hikes. I enjoy video games, and have a weirdly diverse taste in music, and I love to draw. I dabble a bit in writing and in dancing, even if I'm not so good at either, hehe. I'm also very passionate about tea. I frequent the community Steepster, and am often spending waaay too much of my meager wage on fine loose leaf teas. ;)

I'm a barista at Starbucks. (From a vegan and wages point of view, ouch. But otherwise the job is enjoyable with a wonderful team -- one of them a fellow vegan! -- and can be fun.)
Nice to meet you all! :)
Wow! What a wonderful introduction! :) I can tell you're going to be a lot of fun here on the board! :D

Anyway, welcome to Veggie Views! :wave: :welcome:
Hello and welcome! :) I also like hiking and loose leaf tea - but only loose leaf green/mint tea mind you.

If you have any questions - just ask :)
Hello and welcome! I'm one of the friendly neighbourhood mods :) if you have any questions, feel free to message me :) hope you like it here!
Haha, wow, what a great reception! :) Thanks everyone, I know I'll have a lot of fun here~
Hi, Oasis, and welcome! I love hiking, too.
I do wish Starbucks had more vegan food, like sweets, lol, when I don't feel like baking.