Hello I guess


Aug 16, 2023
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United States
  1. Vegan newbie
Hi. I’m a teenager who is fairly new to the vegan lifestyle. I’m coming here for support. I used to be on Reddit for that. But there was a series of events that led to a mental breakdown and me deleting my account. I got rid of Reddit and Discord because they were just too inflammatory and I couldn’t do it. But I realized I still needed support as vegan. It hurts to watch people discuss their favorite ways to cook meat and what leather clothing they want to buy. I want to learn how to effectively cope. I want to learn to be an effective activist. I want to be able to fight for the animals without doing the thing that led to a mental breakdown. So I decided to return to hanging around smaller forums for the support I needed. I hope this place supports me. Thank you.
Welcome on board! And congrats on going vegan - well done!

I think you've come to the right place: This forum is meant exactly for support, we have a small team of moderators and we do not generally allow anti-vegan messages. If you see anything that you think might violate our rules or is otherwise objectionable, please use the report button! (For convenience there is also a link to the rules at the bottom of every page.)
I don't think we have any teenagers here so it's nice to have you.
I actually read but not post to Reddit. And yeah it can be a little rough if you are sensitive.
but its not that way just for vegans.

And I will post here anything especially good that shows up on Reddit. So you probably won't even miss anything good. :)
Nice to have you here. I hope (I think you will!) find the support you need.
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welcome @9squaredis81

We are happy to have you here and please feel free to ask questions - many of them have likely already been answered so be sure to read lots of different threads and use the Search if you have topic like 'leather shoes, coats etc'.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
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