Good day one and all...

ty brant

May 28, 2016
Reaction score
Hereford, England
  1. Vegan newbie
hi folks,

didn't see this thread when I joined, I have been Vegan for around 2 weeks now. I have found the transition extremely easy and maybe that has been the fact I have been mentally ready for this. I am 35 and train 5-6 times a week and mainly stayed with meat and eggs because I didn't have an alternative for protein (or so I thought.)

With a bit of research I have come to learn plant based protein is plentiful so I now feel ready for a clean Vegan diet.

My choice is health based but also ethical based for obvious reasons of the animal industry being the harshest environment on earth. I love animals and feel I cannot be a part of this barbaric practice.

Anyway I am just looking for like minded folk who are trying to help one another and live a better life.

I am a carpenter by trade and collect comics so feel free to chat to me about anything really.

kind regards,


Hope you're ok. Welcome to the forum from a fellow newbie!

Having been a vegetarian for 8 or 9 years, I always thought I would find veganism too difficult and too extreme until recently when I realised I was ready to make the change. It has been really easy for me as well and I haven't missed eggs or cheese at all! The worst part for me is living with a family that all eat meat, eggs, cheese etc although they are all becoming more understanding and accepting of my new diet. It would be lovely if I could get them to eat less of those things (all in good time... ha ha!)
