Feedback wanted on the forum structure!

I would also like to remind people that the lounge is not visible to visitors so its placement is irrelevant to what newbies see before they join.

This is probably the most important point in the discussion. Visitors can't see the content of The Lounge, so they won't have a reason to think "oh, this is just a chat forum" and not bother to sign up.
Wow, this generated a lot of discussion :) Well, I've moved The Lounge back into Community. I personally don't think it takes up too much space there, and as pointed out it's not visible to non-members.

I've also moved Debate & Current Events + the 18+ Discussion into High Culture.

Thanks to Scorpius for this idea.
Quick question. Is this a vegetarian board, a vegan board or an animal rights boards? Because if it's either of the latter two then somebody had better inform all us vegetarians that we're not welcome here.
Quick question. Is this a vegetarian board, a vegan board or an animal rights boards? Because if it's either of the latter two then somebody had better inform all us vegetarians that we're not welcome here.
It's a board for vegetarians of all flavours. Though I take for granted that issues concerning animals (including AR) is a topic high up on the list of interests for our flock.
Quick question. Is this a vegetarian board, a vegan board or an animal rights boards? Because if it's either of the latter two then somebody had better inform all us vegetarians that we're not welcome here.

If that were the case, then I, a simple vegetarian should not be here as a mod! :)
I've also moved Debate & Current Events + the 18+ Discussion into High Culture.

Whatever the structure ends up being, I'm sure I'll get used to it, but it seems odd to put the debate forum in the high culture section. That's almost like including the editorial/opinion section of a newspaper within the entertainment section.
I don't know where the idea comes from that vegetarian and animal rights are mutually exclusive concepts.
It doesn't really matter to me where anything is located on the main page because I always sort posts by What's New? same as on VB, when I sorted by New Posts.

I also don't mind the idea of "borrowing" certain features from VB to make VV more interesting. It wouldn't make VV a clone of VB because there would be enough differences between the two boards.

that said, could we have a year-round Holiday subforum somewhere on VV? It was a good idea on VB and I think it would be a good addition to VV. Lots of newbies to veg*anism at some point freak out at the thought of facing (for the first time) a certain holiday without whatever omni meal is traditional for that holiday, and they ask for help from others. It would be a good idea to have one forum for all holiday discussions.
that said, could we have a year-round Holiday subforum somewhere on VV? It was a good idea on VB and I think it would be a good addition to VV. Lots of newbies to veg*anism at some point freak out at the thought of facing (for the first time) a certain holiday without whatever omni meal is traditional for that holiday, and they ask for help from others. It would be a good idea to have one forum for all holiday discussions.
Sounds good to me. Any ideas for a name for that forum? I think just "Holidays" can be a bit confusing to UK people because over here apparently that means "vacation" as well. Aussies and some others are likewise confused, I think.
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Sounds good to me. Any ideas for a name for that forum? I think just "Holidays" can be a bit confusing to UK people because over here apparently that means "vacation" as well. Aussies and some others are likewise confused, I think.

How about The Help! I Don't Eat Turkey Anymore! Forum?

seriously, though, how about "Holidays, Bank Holidays and Special Occasions"?
Sounds good to me. Any ideas for a name for that forum? I think just "Holidays" can be a bit confusing to UK people because over here apparently that means "vacation" as well. Aussies and some others are likewise confused, I think.

Yes when I see Holiday I think in "we're going on Holiday to spain"
Is there a more general word for things like Christmas/Thanksgiving etc. I like Amys idea of 'Special Occasions'
Because although I, as a Brit, understand the term Holidays in reguards to Christmas, but I fear the forum will start leaning more towards Americanisms and feel a bit...USA orientated.
How about "Festivities & Special Occasions"?

Or "Holiday Festivities"? (Would that make it clear what sort of holidays we're talking about?)
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Is there really a need for it? I do think we have an awful lot of sub forums now, and one that's only going to be used 2-3 times a year might not be a good one to add to the ever-growing list. How about just a sticky thread in the Vegetarian forum called Festivities and Special Occasions?
I thought we were leaving it up to the individuals as to whether they wanted to announce their VB identity?
I should certainly hope so, but then again I've always been against outing people for any reason. As I said in another thread, VB was often a tricky place to navigate and one often found themselves in the cross hairs unintentionally. If someone wants to start a new 'life' here on veggieviews and disconnect from their former VB selves, I can certainly respect that. :up:
That forum is/was kinda dead and rarely got used anyway. i dont have a problem with just, as that time of year growing close, more threads popping up on the main forums.

I also like the lounge being nearer the top. Yay.
I dont think it is a good idea to have too many forums in a new board. It is best to develop all the other boards first and then add more forums as more traffic comes.