Health Issues Does anyone here suffer from trigeminal neuropathy?


Forum Senior
Jun 1, 2012
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My sis was diagnosed a couple years ago and it's changed not only her life but our entire family's. Just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with it. Its pretty rare and the medical community doesn't seem to have a cure yet. Definitely a world changing diagnosis.
No, but I've met a person who suffered from cluster headaches.
I had atypical trigeminal neuralgia for a few years so I can definitely sympathize with her. It is absolutely excruciating. It got so bad that I couldn't even take food through a straw without wanting to keel over. I was going to school and working just about full time in a retail store so talking was a total pain. I don't know much about the neuropathy one, though. I know with the neuralgia, there is at least a little bit of a pain lapse, but neuropathy is continuous, yes?
Yes, neuropathy is constant. From what I understand With neuralgia you can be fine one minute but the wind can blow against your face, you talk or smile and it can trigger pain, correct? With neuropathy it's constant stabbing/burning pain all day every day. She also suffers from muscle weakness on that side of her face and when it's really bad her eye will droop down. I've heard Botox may help but other than that we haven't found anything. She's seen countless specialists and even went outta state and spent a few weeks at Mayo Clinic.
I knew someone who had trigeminal neuralgia. It was pretty bad but I can see how neuropathy would be worse since the pain is constant. My sister has neuropathy but in her legs and feet. She's had little relief from the many different meds that she's tried.