Animal Advocacy Coronavirus-People are Dumping Pets

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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
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Warning : the link contains some graphic photos.

Following fears of coronavirus, Chinese citizens are now disposing of dogs and cats. Photos show corpses of the animals lining
the streets. Animal activists are breaking into homes to save pets, according to Reuters. :up:

Pet owners seem to be panicking after misinformation spread about the coronavirus and cats and dogs. Many villages mistakenly shared information saying the virus could be spread through animals. The World Health Organization denied the connection between pets and the disease, explaining that dogs and cats would not spread the virus.

This is heartbreaking and totally unnecessary.
I don’t want to read it. I’m already in a vulnerable state of mind. Must be awful though. :cry:
I don’t want to read it. I’m already in a vulnerable state of mind. Must be awful though. :cry:

Yes, and that's why I put the warning above the text. Poor animals, they are already having a tough time in China as it is.

There is a lady that used to live across the road from me who has gone over there for 4 years. She is an activist and has already bought back a crippled cat who got adopted. She also saved quite a few dogs and they were flown to a sanctuary in the UK. :)
Warning : the link contains some graphic photos.

Following fears of coronavirus, Chinese citizens are now disposing of dogs and cats. Photos show corpses of the animals lining
the streets. Animal activists are breaking into homes to save pets, according to Reuters. :up:

Pet owners seem to be panicking after misinformation spread about the coronavirus and cats and dogs. Many villages mistakenly shared information saying the virus could be spread through animals. The World Health Organization denied the connection between pets and the disease, explaining that dogs and cats would not spread the virus.

This is heartbreaking and totally unnecessary.
The hell is wrong with people?! That's absolutely absurd!
The hell is wrong with people?! That's absolutely absurd!

Unfortunately it doesn't come as a surprise, when you consider the way in which animals are treated in China.

I've been there once and honestly will never go back again. The scenes of animals in cages in open air markets are still vivid in my memory. :cold_sweat:
Unfortunately it doesn't come as a surprise, when you consider the way in which animals are treated in China.

I've been there once and honestly will never go back again. The scenes of animals in cages in open air markets are still vivid in my memory. :cold_sweat:
I remember seeing a video of frogs in China being skinned and cut up while still alive. It was horrid!
Thank you for bringing these issues to my attention. The thoughts are disturbing. But, this is the information that I need to have.
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Warning : the link contains some graphic photos.

Following fears of coronavirus, Chinese citizens are now disposing of dogs and cats. Photos show corpses of the animals lining
the streets. Animal activists are breaking into homes to save pets, according to Reuters. :up:

Pet owners seem to be panicking after misinformation spread about the coronavirus and cats and dogs. Many villages mistakenly shared information saying the virus could be spread through animals. The World Health Organization denied the connection between pets and the disease, explaining that dogs and cats would not spread the virus.

This is heartbreaking and totally unnecessary.

Coronavirus Update: Chinese Citizens Begin Disposing Pets, Footage of Corpses Lining Streets

A Chinese veterinarian, Dr. Shuai Lihua, started a group that rescued over 2,000 Wuhan pets whose quarantined owners were unable to reach them: Meet the team smashing down doors to rescue Wuhan's abandoned pets . To rescue certain animals, the 43-year old climbed rusty pipes and broke windows.

I think it's important to clarify that the Wuhan pets weren't all abandoned. Quarantine requirements resulted in people being separated from their pets: Thousands of pets in Wuhan are trapped and facing starvation with their owners stranded outside the city by the coronavirus outbreak

Also, the Wuhan animal rescue groups were comprised of Chinese citizens.

I've been to China, and I've seen the way that many animals are treated. However, I've also been to vegetarian restaurants in China, and my wife's Chinese-born family (with the exception of one sister) are all vegetarian/vegan - her sisters, brother, their spouses, and children.

My wife's niece is one of the awesome young women in this vegan video from China:

So, let me get this straight...

A) Covid-19 had it's origin in animals, then spread to humans

B) Now that it is with humans, it stays with humans and isn't spread
to other animals

C) It travels in the air and can be lurking on places a human may have
just touched like a doorknob or surface areas like tabletops -
necessitating the use of gloves/masks

D) It "prefers" human hosts, which is why it only now infects other
humans and leaves the animals it supposedly originated in alone. Even
though you might get it by touching a surface or object un-gloved,
your cat, dog or other pet touching/licking/sniffing that same surface
with unprotected paw, tongue or snout will be just fine.

People dumping their pets isn't a result of their lack of compassion (after
all, who would choose their dog over their spouse or children?) it's a
result of the official ******** story and fear porn that other humans
are promoting. To anyone with just a scant bit of intellectual honesty,
it doesn't add up. Unfortunately in the majority of responses and threads
dealing with the subject, fear and hype, not reason and logic is what rules.
So, let me get this straight...

A) Covid-19 had it's origin in animals, then spread to humans

B) Now that it is with humans, it stays with humans and isn't spread
to other animals

C) It travels in the air and can be lurking on places a human may have
just touched like a doorknob or surface areas like tabletops -
necessitating the use of gloves/masks

D) It "prefers" human hosts, which is why it only now infects other
humans and leaves the animals it supposedly originated in alone. Even
though you might get it by touching a surface or object un-gloved,
your cat, dog or other pet touching/licking/sniffing that same surface
with unprotected paw, tongue or snout will be just fine.

People dumping their pets isn't a result of their lack of compassion (after
all, who would choose their dog over their spouse or children?) it's a
result of the official ******** story and fear porn that other humans
are promoting. To anyone with just a scant bit of intellectual honesty,
it doesn't add up. Unfortunately in the majority of responses and threads
dealing with the subject, fear and hype, not reason and logic is what rules.
Do you really need to turn every forking thread into a discussion of your ignorance based conspiracy theories?!

that's a rhetorical question, btw.
Do you really need to turn every forking thread into a discussion of your ignorance based conspiracy theories?!

that's a rhetorical question, btw.

The only threads I am putting forth the ideas questioning Covid-19 are the actual covid-19 based threads. Although I'm not surprised your generalization is but another misrepresentation. It seems to pervade the dull minds of those who submit themselves to the hypnosis and fear porn that is US corporate media and which makes logical thinking all but impossible.

My questioning it is perfectly valid and logical in this thread that it pertains to with regards to the animals being abandoned because of the fear of it.
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actually it is not just CHINA that has had people dumping pets due to coronavirus fears...the UK Manchester area had reports of the same issue in Europe

There are also cases of euthanised pets of dead of the virus human owner victims.

Pet cats have caught the virus from their owners ...same goes for some dogs...and in a New York Zoo several tigers caught it presumably from visitors.

Of course people could catch the virus from pets...just stroking pets could mean the virus is transmitted...a good reason to stop petting stroking strangers dogs and pets.
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