Coping with body odor


Forum Legend
Jul 11, 2012
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My older brother had this problem, my identical twin brother has this problem, and I assume I do as well. Some can become anti-social with this problem, and it makes it much harder to make friends. I'm trying body wash, as that seems to work for my brother. Does anyone have this problem or know of a person with this problem? How do they cope with it?
What kind of odor? Is it from sweat or not bathing enough or could it be from something you eat? Could it be from the environment - smoking, machinery, heating?
Are you talking about unusually persistent and/or potent body odor, that persists in spite of daily or twice daily showers?
Are you talking about unusually persistent and/or potent body odor, that persists in spite of daily or twice daily showers?
Yes. Some of my family thinks I'm paranoid so it can't be too bad but there were comments made by my roommates in college. I know it's there.
There is such a thing as body odor that is strong, no matter how good one's hygiene is, or what one eats. Some people have overactive sweat glands. Often this manifests as intense sweating of the hands, feet and armpits, and sometimes it's abnormal sweating all over the body. Intense body odor without excessive sweating generally seems to be linked with one of a number of different medical conditions.

If this runs in your family, RF1, it would seem to me to be unlikely to be due to a medical condition/illness, and more likely to be due to excessive sweating, assuming that you are following appropriate hygiene practices and not eating a lot of highly spiced foods.
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I think I smell more because I eat more onion and garlic. :I
Do you sweat a lot, or do you think your sweat/smell just smells extra?

I sweat quite a bit but I think it's just because I walk everywhere, really, really, fast. I got a really good deodorant and it stopped being a problem.

I eat a LOT of onion, garlic and spices - I eat onion and garlic every day and spices most days easily. Maybe I smell like spices but I can deal with that. I heard that to other people, Europeans tend to smell like dairy, and I often wonder if I smell differently because I don't eat dairy. :shrug: Or maybe it's just a strange urban legend.
I am much more offended by the odor of deodorants, perfumes and colognes than body odor, but I accept that this is not the cultural norm where I live.

I've had problems in the past. I bathe daily and scrub the glands areas vigorously with soap, then use an odorless deodorant rub-on. I change my socks daily, sometimes more often in warm weather, and try to wear shoes with fabrics that breath or wear sandals as the weather allows. And I avoid drinking alcohol and especially beer, which tends to contribute a vinegary odor.
Someone I know who is not me finds that keeping their armpit hair rather short has a beneficial effect on that area.
Someone I know who is not me finds that keeping their armpit hair rather short has a beneficial effect on that area.
Mmhmm yeah sure someone who is not you ;) don't worry, your secrets are unsafe with me.
Do that already
I can't smell it, but the massive quantities of curry powder, garlic and onions I consume probably make me stink as well. :oops:
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There's a surgical procedure for overactive sweat glands.
Some tips from the web for keeping odor at bay:

  • Shower daily with deodorant soap that has antibacterial properties.
  • Use deodorant or deodorant/antiperspirant daily.
  • Wear cotton and other "breathable" fabrics. Some synthetic fabrics used in workout clothing are also "breathable" because they wick sweat away from your skin.
  • Eliminate one of the aforementioned food/spice/beverages at a time to test for a reduction in smelliness.
  • Eat a balanced diet with plenty of veggies and whole grains, and limited sweets.
  • Cut tobacco out of your life.
  • Take chlorophyll or wheat grass supplements (natural body deodorizers) with meals.
  • Add magnesium or zinc through vitamins or a balanced diet.
  • Chew on parsley, alfalfa, or other leafy greens after meals to help neutralize strong scents
  • Apply witch hazel, or white or apple cider vinegar to your underarms (which change the pH of the skin so that bacteria can't grow).
  • Dust perpetually sweaty areas with corn starch to reduce wetness.
  • Apply diluted rosemary or tea tree oil to the underarms for extra deodorizing action.
It smells the same regardless of what I eat, so I don't think it's the food. Are there any genetic conditions that cause body odor? I'm assuming it has to be a genetic condition considering my brothers have the same problem.