Health Issues Contraception Thread!

What type of contraception do you use?

  • Condom

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Female condom

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The pill / mini pill

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Contraceptive implant

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Contraceptive injection

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IUS / IUD (coil)

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Sterlisation / vasectomy

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Diaphram / cap

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spermicide

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rhythm method or fertility awareness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't use contraception

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters


I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Jun 8, 2012
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Just a general PG-13 contraception thread. What methods do you or your partner(s) use? What are your experiences? Any questions? Etc.
I voted's called menopause. :D

Sorry, I know that wasn't helpful! lol
I had a tubal ligation when I was 25. Before that, I took the Pill, so I voted for both. But I'm not using both methods now. Just the sterilization.

The tubal did a number on me. My cycle is now...different than it was before, and not really for the better. :no:
I have the implant. I can't remember to take pills, I don't like how the injection messes with your fertility for so long, and I'm uncomfortable with the idea of anything that has to be inserted in my private parts, like an IUD or diaphragm. We don't get along well with condoms.

I've had a year of no periods and no side effects that I noticed. It's been a good experience and I will carry on with this method for as long as I need contraception.
I did try that injection for about a year. I can't remember why I stopped it though.
The tubal did a number on me. My cycle is now...different than it was before, and not really for the better. :no:

That is one reason I'm a little hesitant to get the tubes tied, even though I'd really love to. My cycle has never been "normal".
I had tried the pill before, messed with me way too much and I was always forgetting to take it. So I always went back to condoms.
The implant....I don't know. That might freak me out being able to feel that in my arm.
Vasectomy and/or tubes tied is ultimately the way I'd like to go.
Anyhow, my vote just goes to condoms since that is what I've used the most.
That is one reason I'm a little hesitant to get the tubes tied, even though I'd really love to. My cycle has never been "normal".
I had tried the pill before, messed with me way too much and I was always forgetting to take it. So I always went back to condoms.
The implant....I don't know. That might freak me out being able to feel that in my arm.
Vasectomy and/or tubes tied is ultimately the way I'd like to go.
Anyhow, my vote just goes to condoms since that is what I've used the most.

I'm regular though. It's just a lot heavier than it used to be. I find that it's gradually getting better though.
I was on the injection for 5+ years, but got worried about my bones... Then tried the copper IUD, which was hell on a stick (get it?) and then the pill, which terrified me that it wasn't going to work, though there's no reason it shouldn't, but I didn't get it refilled because the NP I was seeing let me down for the last time and it's way too depressing to find another Dr. to look at my ladyparts so haven't gotten a check-up in a while.

So... Condoms!
From a male's perspective getting snipped has zero drawbacks... well you might have to be careful for a week and you better be damn sure you will never want kids again but that's it.
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I voted's called menopause. :D

Sorry, I know that wasn't helpful! lol

No no, that's what I meant by "I don't use any" along with people who want to conceive / aren't having penetrative sex ... I wanted loads more options but I ran out!

I use the implant, and I really like it. Unfortunately there was a lot of hoo-haa because I initially had irregular bleeding and my doctor put me on a really high dose of progesterone for three years, which is apparently unheard of (and not licensed) and unnecessary. Luckily my new GP picked up on it and sent me to the sexual health clinic who were brilliant - I'm never going back to my GP for sexual health again, they have so much more experience. My periods are irregular, but light and sporadic, atm but I think they'll go away for soon eventually... it seems to be going that way. :)

It really doesn't hurt and isn't as bad as you might think, getting it was a bit more effort last time - mine got stuck to some tissue or something :yuck:
i was on a low dose pill as a teen, but it made me a smidge barfy. i tried the ring a few years ago, and it made me exceedingly barfy- and also exceedingly tearful, and i broke down and took it out after a whole 12 hours (most of which was spent sobbing hysterically in the bathroom while desperately trying not to hurl). i've wanted to try the copper IUD, but i'm aprehensive about it wandering off/impaling me in the cervix, and the LAST thing i need is heavier, more painful periods, seriously, so that's looking like a no. :p

implanted people- did you feel barfy at all- like weird hormonal nausea- after they stuck that sucker in your arm?

maybe i'm special or something, but i have no desire to feel like i'm gonna blow chunks as a result of contraception use- i'd rather just not do it. :p :(
Wow that sounds awful :(

No not at all, but I also felt fine on a high dose progesterone pill as well, which apparently should have given me a lot of side effects so I think I must handle hormones well. Or something. I've never felt sick due to hormones though I think I am lucky. My periods got much lighter and much less painful though.

At least with an implant compared to something like an injection it can be taken right back out again if needs be, but then the injection has a lower hormone dose.
Wow that sounds awful :(

No not at all, but I also felt fine on a high dose progesterone pill as well, which apparently should have given me a lot of side effects so I think I must handle hormones well. Or something. I've never felt sick due to hormones though I think I am lucky. My periods got much lighter and much less painful though.

At least with an implant compared to something like an injection it can be taken right back out again if needs be, but then the injection has a lower hormone dose.

that was my thought process too. i doubt there is an 'undo' contraceptive injection. :D

all the hormonal barfiness shenanigans makes me even less receptive to the idea of pregnancy than i already was (which was very unreceptive). :p :D
I have been on the pill since about age 19 and I am 26 now. I take the 90-day cycle one now. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to cause me any noticeable issues, and seeing as I am adamantly against having any kids, that's a really good thing. Sterilization surgery is pretty expensive for women, and it can be hard to get approved when you are still fairly young and childless
From a male's perspective getting snipped has zero drawbacks... well you might have to be careful for a week and you better be damn sure you will never want kids again but that's it.

:yes: My husband had the snip as I had been on the pill for so long and I was getting side-effects. If I did date anyone in the future it would either be a woman so no contraception needed ;) or I would hopefully get a man sensible enough to have had a vasectomy.:)
Vasectomy. About a month before our wedding. We were sure that the two I already had were plenty.
I was on the injection for 5+ years, but got worried about my bones... Then tried the copper IUD, which was hell on a stick (get it?) and then the pill, which terrified me that it wasn't going to work, though there's no reason it shouldn't, but I didn't get it refilled because the NP I was seeing let me down for the last time and it's way too depressing to find another Dr. to look at my ladyparts so haven't gotten a check-up in a while.

This makes me so nervous. I always get a bit squirmy when women mention that they haven't had their yearly paps or other exams on a regular consistant basis. It's so important!!

I'm never going back to my GP for sexual health again, they have so much more experience.

Agree with you there. I've always gone to either a gyno or a sexual health clinic instead of my GP for sexual health related issues. They are way more knowledgable, thorough, and helpful.
This makes me so nervous. I always get a bit squirmy when women mention that they haven't had their yearly paps or other exams on a regular consistant basis. It's so important!!

If you don't have insurance, it tends to be a low priority.