
Forum Legend
Jul 2, 2017
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I am an Autistic young adult female. I have anxiety.
Anyhow, I am now vegan and I have come home to hopefully enjoy xmas with my family. I really want to enjoy xmas. I am really anxious and upset about having to sit around and eat xmas dinner with them when there’s meat on the table, and over all the turkeys and other animals who have been, and will be, murdered for xmas dinner. There’s not really any practical way in my situation to not eat xmas dinner with them. I love them very much and I want to enjoy xmas with them.
I really want to enjoy xmas. Have you got any ideas as to how I could enjoy xmas more and not have so much anxiety around this and promote a vegan message?
I’ve been crying. Can you please help?
It's never easy to go against the grain. I would try to focus on the good you are doing by being vegan, rather than on what everyone else is eating. I know it's difficult, but veganism isn't as mainstream as we'd like, and vegans are still in the minority. That said, if you are happy with your decision, let that shine through. I'm the only vegan in my large-ish family, and when we get together for holidays, I get lots of questions about what I'm eating. It's mostly curiosity on their part, and I love telling them how I made something, or how good something is. I usually bring plenty to share, but most of family isn't that adventurous (save for my mom and dad. They'll try anything!). Sometimes you can plant a seed. Many of my family members are now drinking nondairy milks and using nondairy butter. I feel like I've had an impact just by living by example. Every little bit counts.
Look at this in the big picture. Yes, your family are meat eaters, but so are billions of other people on this planet, unfortunately. Yet, here you are, a light in the darkness! And know that there are many, many others in a similar situation who will have to go through the same thing you are going through this Christmas.

So, for now, just focus on your own plate, so to speak, and plan / dream for the future when veganism will be even more commonplace. At some point you might also be able to have a Christmas meal (or other festive meal) with a friend, colleague or similar who is also vegan.