5 Veggie Essentials


Jun 8, 2012
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Manchester, UK
I thought it might be useful to have a thread where those of us who have been vegetarian/vegan for a while can post the 5 things we wouldn't or couldn't be veggie without. It can be anything - online resources, food products, cosmetics, clothing items... if it helped you transition/stay veggie, it's useful! Also, if some of your points are specific to a particular region, it might be good to state where.

My five:

1. veggieviews - and no I'm not being a suck up or a vegan cheeseball :p I think it's invaluable to have somewhere like this to talk to other veggies and find out about new products and recipes and the like, without coming across any judgement for my lifestyle choices. It's especially useful if you live in an area which isn't particularly veg-friendly.

2. 'Chloe's Kitchen' cookbook by Chloe Coscarelli. Full of easy to follow recipes for making the omni food I loved without any animal ingredients. Definitely made my home-cooked meals more enjoyable!

3. If you're in the UK, and looking for a good meat substitute, you can't beat Fry's in my opinion. Especially the "chicken" burgers. A little on the pricier end, but totally worth it as a treat every now and then. If your local Holland and Barrett has a freezer section, you'll find some of their products there.

4. Another one for the UK - VEGFEST! If you live in or around Brighton or Bristol, or if you're willing to travel, there's a huge vegetarian festival held once a year. Hundreds of stalls to sample foods and products, plenty of information on all aspects of a veggie lifestyle, cookery demonstrations, and loads of great people. I go every year, and it's always awesome.

5. Earthlings. An animal rights video by actor/director Joaquin Phoenix. Please be warned, the video is fairly graphic and disturbing. This is, though, a thread about the things that made/kept us veggie, and this video is a huge part of that for me.
1. The Animal Free Shopper. It was like my Bible in the first year of veganism when I was totally confused about which ingredients I could eat and which I couldn't - things like E-numbers and obscure ingredients.

2. VeggieViews/vegetarian message boards. The wealth of knowledge, the support and just the gratitude of having people who know how you feel is so invaluable. I don't think I would have transitioned to vegan without them, and I might even have given in to my meat cravings.

3. My vegetarian friends. Kind of carries on from #2, but I met some vegetarians online and they are now among my closest friends. I probably talk to them more than anyone else except my husband. I wouldn't be without them!

4. Mock meats. Like Aery, Fry's is my favourite. I have not been fortunate enough to forget what meat tastes like or to stop getting cravings, even though it has been 5 years since I tasted any. I don't struggle with them in the sense that I am ever tempted to eat meat, but I do sometimes feel very frustrated that I have such an intense craving for something that I can't fulfil. I'm very grateful there are such good mock meats that, even if they don't completely fulfil the craving, are yummy and satisfying.

5. Subway. It may just be a salad sandwich, but it's a yummy salad sandwich that you can get on almost any high street (or so it seems). It makes eating out so easy.
1. At the start The Vegan Forum was the place I looked for information about veganism.

2. Meeting vegan people at meet-ups helped me to feel less isolated.

3. Supermarket vegan lists. It's much easier than reading labels all the time.

4. Mock meats and cheeses and accidentally vegan products if I fancy something that tastes like the food from my non-veg days.

I can't think of a fifth at the moment.:D
Also 'Meet your Meat' as well as Earthlings. Both horrifying enough to make you never want to go back to eating dead animals.
1) Veggie Views

2) Tons of recipe books

3) Mock tuna

4) Veganise all your favourite foods

5) Find the best fast food options

6) Have a go to menu of simple and tasty meals.
1. Vegetarian/vegan message board. When I first went vegetarian back in 2005, The Other Board was a lifesaver. Not only was there a wealth of info, but there were great recipes, and great people for support/friendship. I still don't know any IRL veggie people, so the online support is fantastic.

2. Mock meats. I don't rely on them like I used to, but they are still tasty to have. One drawback is that it can be expensive, but it really helped in the beginning when I was craving a hamburger, hotdog, tacos, etc. etc.

3. Positive attitude/outlook. If you get too discouraged about it all, it's easy to just revert back. And also a positive attitude helps when you -do- have a set back or accidentally eat something that isn't veg. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just think about the reasons you went veg in the first place (too many people seem to lose sight of these things), pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Then go eat some oreos (vegan in the US!), and keep on keepin' on!

4. Planning ahead. If you're going out to eat, or to a party, or family dinner - you can find out ahead of time about the menu and plan accordingly.

5. Eat all the things. Yes, ALL THE THINGS. Whether it's store bought, or a recipe you can make, or something that someone else has made - try it! There's so much damn good vegetarian/vegan food stuff out there, it's a shame not to at least try a bite of it; you may find a new favorite meal/food!
5. Eat all the things. Yes, ALL THE THINGS. Whether it's store bought, or a recipe you can make, or something that someone else has made - try it! There's so much damn good vegetarian/vegan food stuff out there, it's a shame not to at least try a bite of it; you may find a new favorite meal/food!

:yes: Yes! Explore, explore , explore. Open your mind and don't be afraid of new foods. Try everything. There are so many foods, cuisines, recipes, etc that I discovered once going veggie. Now I wonder how I ever lived without them.

Support is at my top list of essentials. Weather it comes from friends, family, or the internet you need a good support system to help you. Someone to pick you up if you fall and encourage you to get back up there and not to give up.
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1 Fat free refried beans, salsa and tortilla chips

2 Veggie forums (both)

3 internet searches

4 John Robbins

5 having resources--TJ's, Whole Foods, local NFS, Cleveland west side market... I'd be lost in the sticks...
In the order they entered into my life on a permanent basis:

1. A good veggie cooking book. Not just recipes, but info on nutrition, kitchen tools and methods as well.
2. Legumes: Lentils, beans & chickpeas. These fill you up and make you feel full (in a good way).
3. Veggie forums.
4. Vegan wife. Haven't had to do much cooking since, and she's a better cook anyway :)
5. Hummus. Goes well with bread, pita bread, wraps, pizza, couscous, as a dip for veggies and more. Most grocery stores around here have hummus, so it's very convenient.
In the order they entered into my life on a permanent basis:

1. A good veggie cooking book. Not just recipes, but info on nutrition, kitchen tools and methods as well.
2. Legumes: Lentils, beans & chickpeas. These fill you up and make you feel full (in a good way).
3. Veggie forums.
4. Vegan wife. Haven't had to do much cooking since, and she's a better cook anyway :)
5. Hummus. Goes well with bread, pita bread, wraps, pizza, couscous, as a dip for veggies and more. Most grocery stores around here have hummus, so it's very convenient.

Where can I find a Vegan husband ?:D
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Yeah, I'll have his other brother. Or a cousin...[/quote]

....well, it looks like we'll have to put up an ad, ' A bunch of Vegan girls looking for a very, very large vegan family of singlemales with tons of brother, cousins, in laws etc....:sigh: