Your favorite Vegan Cookbook

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Forum Practitioner
Apr 21, 2015
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I like to try new vegan recipes regularly, and was wondering if you guys and girls have a favorite Vegan cookbook at all.

My favorite is a book from a blogger-turned-author by the name of Angela Liddon, it's called the Oh She Glows Cookbook. Her recipes really are delicious. She shares a lot on her blog too which is

Hoping some of you will have a recommendation or two to throw my way -- I am always grateful for new recipes to add to my repertoire!
I don't appear to have any vegan recipe books. I had a very nice vegetarian one by Yotam Ottolenghi but since going vegan it seems I've mainly been using websites.

I do really enjoy this one, however, because of it's strong literary connection!
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I just ordered these two today:

But I could never go vegan! - Kirsty Turner

Thug Kitchen: Eat Like You Give a F**k.

Both look really amazing. Good luck and I hope you find more amazing Vegan cookbooks.

I have about 15 vegan cookbooks so far lol. My favorites are:

Oh She Glows cookbook

The Complete Guide to Vegan Food Substitutions (seriously this book rocks with unusual but very good recipes..I once made a gluten free gingerbread cake with red lentils as the binder and it was fantastic! My gluten free omni mother was highly impressed and she never would have known about the red lentils if I hadn't told her afterwards)

Veganomicon (spelling?)

I have at least four three ring binder notebooks full of recipes I printed off from the internet over the years too. So many excellent vegan blogs, like Vegan Dad, Vegan Richa and more.

Often though I cook my own stuff and don't use cookbooks (and I am guilty of altering recipes too), but they are nice to have for inspiration when I get stuck in a rut.
Hello. Does anyone know of any cookbooks aimed at those who are slightly inpet and/or lazy in the kitchen? I want to get a vegan cookbook but don't want one of these cookbooks where you need 25 ingredients for each recipe.
Haven't gotten a hold of the site on mobile yet, so pardon if I attached the picture you can see, we have quite the collection of cookbooks!

I'm not big on spending a lot of time with the cooking, so I like the Thug Kitchen. The Oh She Glows may be my slight favorite because of how "clean" it is...very raw but creative and filling. I'd say those are the top two.

The Street Vegan is from the guy who owns Cinnamon Snail, which I used to work at, so I'm biased towards that as well. That's more of a comfort food style book though. Delicious as hell.


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As someone who loves Italian food, and has a non-vegan but lactose intolerant boyfriend whose family are part Italian, I've been constantly disappointed by how difficult it can be to make really good Italian food without dairy. Every non-meat dish seems to involve cheese unless it's just pasta with tomato sauce! I've fallen in love with a book I bought on a whim recently (mainly attracted to it because of the title, I have to admit) which is 100% vegan and has some really creative recipes both for veganised versions of familiar dishes and also some original dishes. It's by Cecilia Granata and is called "Mama Tried: Traditional Italian Cooking for the Screwed, Crude, Vegan and Tattooed", and it has some fantastic artwork in it as well!
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As someone who loves Italian food, and has a non-vegan but lactose intolerant boyfriend whose family are part Italian, I've been constantly disappointed by how difficult it can be to make really good Italian food without dairy. Every non-meat dish seems to involve cheese unless it's just pasta with tomato sauce! I've fallen in love with a book I bought on a whim recently (mainly attracted to it because of the title, I have to admit) which is 100% vegan and has some really creative recipes both for veganised versions of familiar dishes and also some original dishes. It's by Cecilia Granata and is called "Mama Tried: Traditional Italian Cooking for the Screwed, Crude, Vegan and Tattooed", and it has some fantastic artwork in it as well!

Great!!! That sounds fantastic!! I'm so glad you finally found something to help! And I'm glad the artwork is good too - you can't have a cookbook without brilliant artwork!
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