Winter gear for dogs?


Lola Worshiper
Jun 4, 2012
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Now that we live somewhere where snow could be a fairly regular occurrence, we've been looking at getting Lola a winter jacket and possibly some booties. I've been looking around, and I think that ruffwear ( has the best options for active dogs. Specifically the fleece and then one of the waterproof over coats they offer. But I'm not sure. It's difficult to pick out gear when you can't physically see it or feel it, you know?

What does everybody else use for winter warmies? Does your dog have sweaters or jackets? Do they work? Have you used ruffwear stuff? Do they hold up? What do you think would be the best choice for winter hiking?
Cover her in glue and roll her around the hairdresser's floor.

That's not helping.

KFL, sorry I can't help you as I have no expertise in that area. Do you have any pet supply stores near you where you can check out what they have?
My dogs were wearing sweaters a couple of days ago but it got warmer and we took them off.They were some kind of knit wear I think. The little chihuahua seems to appreciate it.I think if your dog has a short type of coat you may want to put something on them when temps get in the teens or lower.If your dog has a longer coat you probably shouldn't worry too much if they are not outside a lot right now.

I was okay with the knit because it wasn't like the were rolling around in snow or anything and getting wet.But I guess if your dog does that you might want to get something waterproof.
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My dogs have a lot of winter clothes. Even though they are GSDs. Noomi was so lucy she could herritage all Nirm's clothes, so I didn't need to buy a lot of new stuff for her...

I practice a lot with them, and then they have to be in the car for some times too. The colder the temperature is, the more of their energy will go to keep the bodytemperature normal. And I want them to use the energy for the practice and competitions, not just staying warm. And I'm sure it prevent them to hurt muscles etc when they are warmer, and don't get cold very fast after they have been in activity. I warm up with the coats on, and walk them down with the coats. I uses a brand called "Back on Track", witch have a body heat reflection in the fabric. They aren't that thick, but I put on couple of layers when it's really cold (as we do on ourself, it's better with three-four layers clothing on, than just one thick jacket), and they have to be in the car for a short time. I never let them stay in the car for long time when it's cold, just to stop in to get some groceries, and back again.

I'm not sure how cold you get down to in your area, but here we drop down to between -25 and -30 C in the winter for some periods (not this winter obvious...). We don't go for long walks then, but we have to get out. I prefer coats that are water and wind resistant, but the most important is the windresistant in the winter. For really short haried dogs, I would have preferd to have a fleece jacket, and then a winterproof jacket on top on that. And it's important that the coat is long enough so it covers the kindneys too, and aren't too loose around the neck (some coats are more for the joy of humans, than function for the dogs).

But protecting the paws are really important in the cold, since they are in direct contact with the snow.

How the dogs handle the cold, is very individual too. Some dogs hate to be cold, other don't care.
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My dog has a couple of sweaters, a coat, and a snuggie. She hates them all. Even though she is a long haired chihuahua she still can't tolerate the cold. She won't move though if she is wearing a really snug sweater, so they have to be somewhat loose.

Her paws get frostbite within seconds so she doesn't go out much in the winter when there's snow and ice outside. I've tried putting booties on her, but she would have none of that and ripped them off with her teeth.
Shyva in the snow.JPG My gorgeous fur baby has a jumper (which I knitted), a pink coat, 1 black raincoat, 1 yellow raincoat, 1 pink 'smiley' T shirt and some pink boots.

Needless to say she hates all her gear especially the boots.
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All my dogs have had no problems using their clothes. Noomi even sleeps with socks on, and that's really helpful when I have to take care of her paws cause of her allergies. So I can wash them and put on some ointment and socks, and she doesn't take them off (and then the ointment can stay on her paws, and not either get licked of, or she walks around in my bed with blue footprints). Jackets, harnesses, mouth baskets, what ever it is. And it makes things easier. I can also just take the gear out, and they stick their head in, lifts paws if the need (for harness), stick their head in their collars etc.

I want some new coats for them now. Back on Track in fleece fabric. I love buying stuff for them! :D
I live in a warm place, but my dachshund hated the cold. She would not wear booties but loved the sweaters my mom knitted for her (stange proportions on a doxie. :) )