
Aug 25, 2022
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  1. Vegan
Hello everyone I have recently started being vegan.
After the well-known difficulties, I started reading the book "The Vegan Starter Kit Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Eating".

This book is full of useful tips that you can use.
It also contains useful recipes.
I would definitely recommend this book to beginners and people who already have some experience.

I have already attached the pdf version for you.

I hope this will help someone just as it has helped me!


  • The Vegan Starter Kit Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Eating.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 8
Dr. Barnard has a reputation among vegan RDs and medical professionals as being extreme about fat. You might want to add an omega3 supplement to his recommendations, and eat vegan food with fat ( non-junk ).

Here are a list of good vegan starter resources

Dr. Barnard has a reputation among vegan RDs and medical professionals as being extreme about fat.
Really? I've never encountered that. I'm not that knowledgable about Dr. Bernard as compared to some of the others. his info is more often in video form and I prefer reading. but I've always thought his recommendations were in step with the others.
You might want to add an omega3 supplement to his recommendations, and eat vegan food with fat ( non-junk ).

Those are good suggestions but I'm pretty sure that is what he says in his books and videos.

Years ago I did do the PCRMs 21 -day vegan kickstart. I thought it was a good plan.
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If there is "a reputation ... as being extreme about fat." it may be a result of the whole fat causes diabetes thing.

However, a lot of the vegan doctors are on that boat, too.
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Dr. Barnard has a reputation among vegan RDs and medical professionals as being extreme about fat. You might want to add an omega3 supplement to his recommendations, and eat vegan food with fat ( non-junk ).

Here are a list of good vegan starter resources

Well, most of the plant based physicians advocate no oils, as they are extracted from the whole plant, and advise fats from whole foods.
It's always a good idea to use oil sparingly
It's good to have some tips and tricks in ones sleeve when first starting their journey. For sure.
But personally, I'm mostly too occupied with everything and can't follow what someone else is doing. Even if that would be the healthiest diet ever.
I just settle in being vegan and that's it.
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Well, most of the plant based physicians advocate no oils, as they are extracted from the whole plant, and advise fats from whole foods.
It's always a good idea to use oil sparingly

That isn't the same. Dr. Barnard advocates an extremely low fat ( from any source ) diet.