Vegan Has made my skin worse??


May 16, 2016
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  1. Vegan
Hi everybody! I am new to this forum. I am having acne problems as a vegan my forehead and inner cheeks are red and spotty especially between my eyebrows. I've never in my life had acne this bad so it is really annoying me. I've been vegan for nearly a year but my acne has gradually got worse in the last few months. My diet isn't to bad, I eat hemp seeds on a daily and I supplement vit d and b12. Can anyone help me with this problem? Any help would be very appreciated as I want to stay vegan.
This might be a symptom of iodine deficiency, since after I transitioned I also experienced this (actually, about four months after going vegan) - huge red spots on my cheeks that I'd never had before in my life.

I took kelp tablets along with Iceland Moss (it's a bit rare but excellent for all malnutrition problems, you should find it in a well-stocked Holland & Barrett) supplements and noticed an almost immediate change (within a few days).

I'd say if you don't recognise a difference within a fortnight then it might be worth getting your blood tested for other deficiencies. Stress could also be a possible cause. It's also very important to stay hydrated.
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Thanks for your reply, I will try the moss and hopefully it will go.
Although I eat lots of potatoes which ate high in iodine so Im not sure but still worth a shot!
Are you eating more citrus fruits, that can upset the skin? I tend to steer clear of oranges and too much acidic stuff. Just a thought.
I have a really sensitive skin and it always looks noticeably worse after a day when I don't drink enough water or neglect my skin care routine. Make sure you're not eating too much sugar and I'd go to see your GP/dermatologist about it.
I haven't tried hemp seeds, but flax seeds are also great for skin (and hair).
Hi, I faced the same problem and everyone was telling me that it's my body's reaction for detoxification but it has lasted and lasted for so many months - about 4. I didn't have any of those problems before - I'm 25 right now. So I started to look for something. I tried D3 vitamin and tee tree oil, spirulina and some face masks etc. About 5 months ago I came across curology revievs and I found that they suit me new way of life - vegan. I tried it and it's working I hope it's not like every other acne cosmetic which is going to work only for a wile and than I'd end up with acne breakouts again. Any of you used to use it and can say if it's getting rid of the problem or just covers it as long as you use it?
I didn't but maybe you should go to a dermatologist.
There is always that question people ask when you become a vegan and still have acne. Becoming a vegan does not mean that you wont ever have break outs or acne. That said, it can be annoying and especially if you just transitioned. Learning to balance the foods you are taking is important. Important tips: make sure you are eating real food, lots of vegetables and be careful with animal products. There are other factors that could lead to breakouts as well and it's also important to keep these in check.