Tesco Ad and the Backlash

Emma JC

Forum Legend
Jun 15, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
I just watched Earthling Ed's latest video titled "Farmers & Media Lose Their Minds Over Tesco Ad". A great video and Ed shows how sensitive the farmers and their associations can be and the benefit of the controversy.

Emma JC

I watched it on Sunday as well. I loved so much of what he was saying, I took the time to write it down and keep it in my Vegan section of my OneNote notebook under "Quotes." Specifically this:

"It may well be a personal choice if we decide to consume animal products, but that doesn't mean that consuming animal products should be considered as right, or ethical, or moral." (I usually don't put it as nicely, tbh - I usually say that personal choice ends when someone else is being harmed)

And his last (and perhaps the bestest statement):

"As soon as you turn on your TV or walk outside, you are bombarded by an endless stream of advertising that glorifies and even fetishises the consumption of animal-based products. The advertising of animal products has become so abundant and normalized that we don't even consciously recognize it exists in the volumes that it does. Instead it just subconsciously and unconsiously reinforces our belief system and the way we have always lived to the point that one advert comes on tv promoting a vegan lifestyle and everyone loses their minds because of it."

That lady having a fit is insane. (JMNSHO)
We just have a similar situation in Germany, where a sweets manufacturer has launched a new advertismement for their new vegan milk chocolate.

(sorry, only available in German so far)

The Farmer's association in Germany is foaming at the mouth and demanding that the company gets chastised for this advertisement, there have been protests of 50 farmers (complete with tractors) in front of the company for their "despicable insult of farmers and dairy cows" ... 🙄
I also found the following article to be interesting :

"For farmers whose livelihoods are at risk due to the demonisation of meat, the mawkishness and subtle-as-a-brick sermonising came as yet another kick,” dairy farmer Noreen Wainwright wrote in a Telegraph column afterwards.

Changing trends have indeed dealt the UK’s farmers a series of kicks in recent years. A 2018
survey estimated that seven percent of Britons were vegan, while 14 percent were vegetarian. Red meat consumption has dropped around 10 percent in the last decade, with demand for certain beef products falling by seven percent last year alone. The dairy industry too is threatened, with milk consumption falling by a third since the 1970s, and one in five customers now opting for substitutes like soy or oat milk.''