

Nov 12, 2018
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united states
  1. Vegan
Hello! I have been vegan for over a year (along with my 1 and 4 year old children and my husband.) I am struggling a lot. This last year I have gotten so many health issues. I get fevers over 101 about every 10 days, body aches, and diarrhea that is basically water. I get vertigo and migraines. I no longer want to eat anything, not even the foods I loved. I am so crippled by these onslaughts of illness that I can't go about my day. I'm so incredibly tired. I sometimes am just laying down half asleep much of the day. Has anyone else gone through this? Could this be a sign of a vitamin deficiency? I make a wide variety of foods to eat, but some days I can only manage to eat a handful of grapes. No matter how many types of food I try to eat, after a few bites I feel sick. Help :(
I agree. You need to see a doctor ASAP. It could be an autoimmune disorder or endocrine problem. But by simply doing nothing, can make it worse for you in the long run. Any weight loss or weight gain? Unexplained bruising? Pain? Dry skin? Hair loss? Abnormal periods?

Most likely you were exhibiting these symptoms for much longer but at a very mild spectrum. Having all the added hormones and preservatives from meats and cheese acted as a "distraction" for your body. Now that youve been detoxed and cleaned out your body is trying to fix itself.

It sounds more like an endocrine problem or GI like crohn's. I suggest making an appointment with your family Dr. They will run labs and refer you to the appropriate specialist.
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Feeling any better? Did you ever go see a doctor? Did you see the other thread I tagged you in with the similar symptoms?