News Plant Based/Vegan

Can't decide if this is good news or bad.
Also can't decide if this says something about vegans in general. Maybe they we are predictable or stereotypical.
Also, Are You a Robot? You know who I'm talking to!

The article included examples of some content that VEG3 created.

Here is an example

“Nutritionally, vegan meat is much more valuable than chicken. Chicken has very little protein compared to other meats and it’s not a good source of any amino acids — plant proteins our bodies need. So most chicken protein comes from soybeans, which are a complete source of dietary protein, cutting down on several steps in the food chain (and chickens). The soybean industry uses 20 times as much land and emits 190 times more carbon dioxide than poultry production. Yowzer! Plus, the UPside Partnership estimates that you save 113 grams of CO2 emissions for every 1,000 calories consumed when topping grains instead of eating beef or chicken.”​
Not great. but not bad.

Another example

“Livestock production is one of the largest contributors to climate change. As demand for meat continues to grow, so does greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Plant-based foods have the potential to tackle these issues as they require less land, emit less methane and require fewer resources than traditional animal proteins. Furthermore, research suggests that a ‘protein transition’ towards more vegetarian food could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 18%— this equates to about two thirds of what needs to be done globally.”​
I'm almost obsolete.
And to prevent dementia,

"Soluble or insoluble: Which fiber is best to prevent dementia?
Overall, fiber is a great dietary addition when you’re working to keep your brain healthy at every age. But this recent study did delve into both soluble and insoluble fiber, providing better insight into which variety might be best for the brain.

Researchers examined whether there was a difference depending on the type of fiber consumed the most by participants. They found that participants who ate higher amounts of soluble fiber – the kind that feeds beneficial gut bacteria and is present in foods like oats and legumes – led to a more pronounced effect on their risk for dementia.

So, while fiber is important in any form, it just might pay off to increase your soluble fiber a little more than insoluble. You can find soluble fiber in foods like oats, legumes, apples, carrots and citrus fruits."


If You’re Missing Out on This Key Nutrient, You Could See an Increased Risk for Dementia
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