Overeating and feeling sad

Super Sara

Aug 2, 2018
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  1. Vegan newbie
Hi all,

So generally I eat quite healthy without much processed stuff. However, I eat way too much food, especially carb-heavy foods, such as wholemeal bread and brown rice. I can literally sit in my room alone and eat 5 plain wraps in one go.

This is scary.

I think I am avoiding feeling sad or angry via eating.

I would appreciate some guidance. :)

I'm pulling this from another thread that I posted in:

Most people overeat not just because of a physical addiction to food, but because they're using food to compensate for other things like being bored, feeling anxious, unhappy, tired, etc. If you can stay present enough, keep a food diary for a few weeks and write down what you were feeling before you ate something even though you weren't hungry. It could help you understand where some emotional patterns may be present. If you see a psychologist or psychiatrist, discuss this with them.
I'm pulling this from another thread that I posted in:

Most people overeat not just because of a physical addiction to food, but because they're using food to compensate for other things like being bored, feeling anxious, unhappy, tired, etc. If you can stay present enough, keep a food diary for a few weeks and write down what you were feeling before you ate something even though you weren't hungry. It could help you understand where some emotional patterns may be present. If you see a psychologist or psychiatrist, discuss this with them.
Thank you so much! That is excellent advice. I like the idea of writing down my feelings to present to a psychologist.
I think you should probably find other hobbies to do and replace the bad habit.
I'm the same but in a slightly different way. I eat too much all at once some times, and then hate myself for doing so. But one phrase I always say when I'm about to get some food is: "You're not hungry, you're just bored. Drink some water"
So just keep saying that to yourself.
Remember you have to take yourself seriously, otherwise nobody will.
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This is the one I tell myself over and over:
That's a good one to. Just replace skinny with fit. You don't have to be skinny, you have to be the fittest version of yourself. Meaning that whatever body you have right now, you just have to make it fitter and feel comfortable with what you have, and sometimes skinny can be a little unrealistic. Plus, curves are now in ;)
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