News Obituaries

He was extraordinary.
I fell in love with him from his show No Reservations. The more I learned of his life the more I loved him. I had a crazy fantasy that he was what my husband could have been if he had overcome his additions. Sadly they both ended their own lifes.
When my husband did confront his addictions he said he felt he could never come near achieving what he felt he was worth.
He was extraordinary.
I fell in love with him from his show No Reservations. The more I learned of his life the more I loved him.

He really had an amazing ability to connect with all kinds of people. It was a gift, to be able to see slivers of the world through his eyes. Thank you for that, Anthony Bourdain.
@silva and anyone else who liked Anthony Bourdain: The Root has a really nice piece on him, and the comments are also well worth reading.