News Newsweek:'I Stopped Eating Meat After a Near-Death Experience'


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan

Back in the day I has a subscription to Newsweek. This was back before I got all my news via the computer. And I didn't just get the magazine - I read it cover to cover. The My Turn section was usually a one page article written by a regular person with an interesting or unique point of view. More than a letter to the editor - less than an editorial. Maybe it can be best described as a column or commentary but with a different author each week - a guest columnist.

I don't read Newsweek anymore - the magazine isn't even printed any longer. Nowadays I use my Google NewsFeeder to find articles that interest me. My Google NewsFeeder knows I'm interested in all things vegan. And grabs the headlines from everywhere which could be NYT, The Washington Post, or the Salt Lake Tribune.

So this morning this article popped up. And it was nice to hear from my old friend Newsweek. it is a quick and easy read. It very much is a testimonial. In fact it reads as almost as an advertisement for a plant based lifestyle.

It's just a one page article - quick and easy. but to give you the gist:
Otherwise healthy guy has a heart attack. Doctor tells him to change his eating habits. Friend gives him a copy of How to Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease by Doctor Caldwell Esselstyn. Guy goes plant based. Guy makes miraculous recovery.
awesome article and I like this part:

My reasons for going plant-based were strictly because of the benefits to my body. "Veganism" is based upon a set of principles that have more to do with the treatment of animals and the planet than our health. While these things are important to me as well, I have to be alive to make a difference—and that is what matters most.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.