CA No meat? Yes please: Vegan restaurants get more aggressive


Little green mod
Staff member
Dec 20, 2014
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Hannover, Germany
  1. Vegan
Interesting article:

Vegan restaurants are aggressively pushing no-meat menus, and it seems to be working

The Article said:
"NO SALADS!" screams the sign on the wall. "MIX DRINKS NOT MORALS" yells another sign behind the bar.

And with that, the tone is set for a meal at Doomie's, a no-meat fast food joint in Parkdale that is as forceful about what's on its menu as what's not.

Doomie's is part of a trend in Toronto that's seen veganism take an abrasive turn, with so-called "extreme vegan" cooks pushing in-your-face ethics, making the case that not eating animals is a morally superior lifestyle.

The article said:
Jeff Merkel wears combat boots in his food-truck — not traditional combat boots, though. They're vegan combat boots with not a stitch of leather to be found on them.

Merkel says his truck will be Toronto's first all-vegan mobile restaurant when he gets his mobile food license, which he hopes will happen in June. The non-leather boots and his vegan cooking symbolize Merkel's attitude toward food: he is a self-described vegan extremist, an avowed enemy of meat-eating. And fittingly, he's called his food truck The Vegan Extremist.

"We took a risk with the marking idea," Merkel admitted. "But that's who I am."

While I do not agree with the shunning of salads, I find the article very interesting and hope that this style of restaurant also makes it over here....
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Reactions: Brian W
Salads can be great, but if you're eating at at a typical restaurant, it's mostly going to be a poor excuse for a salad. Iceburg lettuce, some carrots, and to top it all off, no good vegan dressing. For shame!
That burger looks delicious. :)