This thread is intended to answer common questions asked by new veg*ns.
Veteran veg*n will post a question and provide an answer
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Q: What is a vegetarian. What are the different types of vegetarians?
A1: Generally speaking, a vegetarian is a person who will not eat the flesh (the meat) of animals. An animal is any being with a circulatory system. This includes (but is not limited to) fish, poultry, pigs and cows.
A2: There are four types of vegetarians.
- Laco-Ovo Vegetarian - a vegetarian who consumes dairy and eggs.
- Laco-Vegetarian - A vegetarian that consumes dairy.
- Ovo-Vegetarian - A vegetarian that consumes eggs
- Vegan - A person who does not consume any animal products whatsoever. This includes, no dairy, eggs or honey. Vegans will not use any product made or derived from, or tested on an animal.
- Strict Vegetarian - A veegetarian who does not consume animal flesh, dairy, eggs or honey, but who may use animal products (cloths, cosmetics, etc).
Q: What does veg*n mean?
A: Veg*n is an abbreviation for vegetarian or vegan.
Q: What are the different reasons for becoming a vegetarian?
A: There are generally four main reasons people chose to become vegetarian. Typically a person may support all reasons, but has a stronger preference for one of them.
- Animal rights (AR). An AR vegetarian believes that people should not harm or exploit animals in an way.
- Health - A Health vegetarian views a vegetarian diet as a healthy alternative to the typical western diet. The benefits include a significant reduction of fat and cholesterol, and often a reduction in sugars, refined or processed foods, and calories. In addition, the health vegetarian avoids the consumption of growth hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals injected into feed animals.
- Environment - an environmental vegetarian views the meat industry as destructive to the environment. This includes such things as deforestation and the displacement/disruption of wildlife, contaminates in the water supply, air pollution, and soil destruction.
- Religious - A religious vegetarian is vegetarian because of their religious convictions. Some of religions that are or encourage vegetarianism include Hinduism, 7th day Adventist, and Sikhs.
Q: Where do vegetarians get their protein?
A: Vegetarians get protein from a variety of sources. They are beans, grains, nuts and seeds. You can also get protein from dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc) and eggs if you are not a vegan.
Q: Is protein combining necessary?
A: No it is not. If you consume enough calories, and have a varied diet, you will get a sufficient amount of complete protein without having to make an effort to combine certain foods.
Veteran veg*n will post a question and provide an answer
You may post a question that has not been addressed.
Q: What is a vegetarian. What are the different types of vegetarians?
A1: Generally speaking, a vegetarian is a person who will not eat the flesh (the meat) of animals. An animal is any being with a circulatory system. This includes (but is not limited to) fish, poultry, pigs and cows.
A2: There are four types of vegetarians.
- Laco-Ovo Vegetarian - a vegetarian who consumes dairy and eggs.
- Laco-Vegetarian - A vegetarian that consumes dairy.
- Ovo-Vegetarian - A vegetarian that consumes eggs
- Vegan - A person who does not consume any animal products whatsoever. This includes, no dairy, eggs or honey. Vegans will not use any product made or derived from, or tested on an animal.
- Strict Vegetarian - A veegetarian who does not consume animal flesh, dairy, eggs or honey, but who may use animal products (cloths, cosmetics, etc).
Q: What does veg*n mean?
A: Veg*n is an abbreviation for vegetarian or vegan.
Q: What are the different reasons for becoming a vegetarian?
A: There are generally four main reasons people chose to become vegetarian. Typically a person may support all reasons, but has a stronger preference for one of them.
- Animal rights (AR). An AR vegetarian believes that people should not harm or exploit animals in an way.
- Health - A Health vegetarian views a vegetarian diet as a healthy alternative to the typical western diet. The benefits include a significant reduction of fat and cholesterol, and often a reduction in sugars, refined or processed foods, and calories. In addition, the health vegetarian avoids the consumption of growth hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals injected into feed animals.
- Environment - an environmental vegetarian views the meat industry as destructive to the environment. This includes such things as deforestation and the displacement/disruption of wildlife, contaminates in the water supply, air pollution, and soil destruction.
- Religious - A religious vegetarian is vegetarian because of their religious convictions. Some of religions that are or encourage vegetarianism include Hinduism, 7th day Adventist, and Sikhs.
Q: Where do vegetarians get their protein?
A: Vegetarians get protein from a variety of sources. They are beans, grains, nuts and seeds. You can also get protein from dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc) and eggs if you are not a vegan.
Q: Is protein combining necessary?
A: No it is not. If you consume enough calories, and have a varied diet, you will get a sufficient amount of complete protein without having to make an effort to combine certain foods.