Natural flavoring/flavors-vegan food labeling

I got the icing sugar reference from your BBC link.

It was the OP who was asking about the meat flavours.

Well hopefully brands with Vegan labeling and contain Palm oil are ethical - I was reading the website from your shea butter product and they seem to think that 85% of palm oil production is unethical. It's a shame that the Vegan label doesn't explicitly state this (that palm oil on their certificated product is ok) on their website though regardless of RSPO labels.

Nice one for writing to Bute Island though! I hope I don't get lured back into buying it now otherwise my waistline is going to suffer.

Icing sugar; it all depends on the brands. The following one is vegan. I never buy it but make my own:

I didn't have time to read all of the posts and replied to you with regards smoked products by mistake. :confused: We have gone a bit off topic.