
Forum Legend
Jul 2, 2017
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TW: Toileting and flatulence.
I first went vegan at age 20 (I am now 26). I then went back to veggie last year. I have been going to and fro from vegan to veggie and vice versa since last year. However, I am now vegan. I have been vegan for four weeks now.
Anyhow, I get really, really bad flatulence. I take Buscopan, Imodium, Rennies and I have taken Gaviscon.
Some people online are like, “Oh, it’s normal to have wind”, but this is different. This is quite a major issue for me. It is absolute agony. I usually get it at night and in the evenings. Out of a seven-day week, I would probably get wind around five days out of the week. I scream and moan in agony and pain. It keeps me awake at night. I have lost a lot of sleep because of it. I have gone nights without sleeping because of it. Take tonight, for instance. It’s 4:28 am where I am, and I haven’t slept because of this, and I’ve taken 2-3 lots of Buscopan. I’ve also drank some tea that had coco and peppermint in it (it was a Yogi tea).
I also get an upset tummy a lot. Out of eight times I go to do a number two, probably seven or even all eight are loose.
I’ve seen a doctor and they thought it might be IBS. This was several months or so ago (it may have been last year, but I kind of doubt it). I haven’t seen a doctor about this since.
I’ve been keeping a food diary about this. Does anyone have any advice? What are the best vegan foods to prevent and cure flatulence? What are the best natural remedies for flatulence? What are the best medications for flatulence?
This is really embarrassing to post here, but I need some help.
Thank you.
I send lots of metta and compassion your way. I send lots of warm, virtual hugs your way.
How are you doing? Are you well?
Thank you.
I can't say I have any new advice for you, I just empathise, as occasionally it happens to me, and it is very uncomfortable.
I drink a lot of tea, with soy....and some days when I go a bit overboard I find that I get gas.
So, the food diary's a good idea....may reduce items till you find the trigger(s).
Good luck.
I can't say I have any new advice for you, I just empathise, as occasionally it happens to me, and it is very uncomfortable.
I drink a lot of tea, with soy....and some days when I go a bit overboard I find that I get gas.
So, the food diary's a good idea....may reduce items till you find the trigger(s).
Good luck.
Thank you.
Boiled potatoes, carrots and tofu are foods that should be safe to eat for everyone (unless you are allergic to carrots or soy). If I eat fast food or cookies or drink soda or coffee, I'll get upset stomach. Some people can't eat bread or much fibre.
But I can't really help. I have no idea what could be going on. Maybe it would be a good idea to see a doctor?
First I thought it was maybe a colloquial thing. but by then end of your post I was convinced that you are using the wrong words. And this could be an issue when discussing your problems with others.
the word I think you should be using is bloating. And although farting and bloating are related that are not exactly the same thing. Farting is not painful( - except for maybe the people in the car with you ;) )
However bloating can be very painful.

Bloating is when your belly feels swollen after eating ( 1 ). It is usually caused by excess gas production or disturbances in the movement of the muscles of the digestive system ( 2 ). Bloating can often cause pain, discomfort and a “stuffed” feeling. It can also make your stomach look bigger ( 3 ).​
A lot of times when people switch from a low fiber diet to a high fiber diet they will get bloating. It usually ends after a few days. But some people who come to VF for advice have reported much longer periods.

I don't think that is the case for you. You have just been switching form vegetarian to vegan. If I am right in assuming its just cheese again - then your fiber intake should not have changed much.

A possibility is a food allergy or intolerance. So that food diary is a good idea.

You may want to see your doctor again. or when you do see your doctor for a check-up, be sure to bring this up.

We have several good threads here on this subject. I'll look for them and post them at the bottom. There is some good advice in them. And check out that article I linked to. Lots of good advice there.

If you make your own black beans, then be sure to soak them overnight and rinse them thoroughly.

Also its not a bad idea to measure, monitor and moderate your fiber intake. Cronometer is a good tool for the measuring. Once you figure out what your typical fiber intake is you might try to cut it in half and then slowly and incrementally increase it. People eating SAD will get half the fiber as a vegan or vegetarian.

There are more but not much new in them.
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BTW, for transitioning vegans, bloating is most commonly associated with fiber intake. But that is not the only thing that causes bloating. Again check out that article.

but in the TMI department you might be interested in know how a high fiber diet and bloating are connected.

It has to do with the bacteria in your gut - referred to as the gut microbiome. it is like a little ecology. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria. Some bacteria are like predators and eat some of them too. However they all eat fiber and produce gas.

If you suddenly dump a bunch of fiber on them they can reproduce like crazy. Their life spans are really short and their reproduction rates are rapid. So just waiting a couple of days is often all that is necessary. You're just waiting for them to naturally find their equilibrium. A few days is like a thousand years to bacteria.

I just listened to a podcast on this subject. I was introduced to the term Enteric Nervous System. 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to rectum. Like a separate brain. Also the but microbiome creates neurotransmitter. these can effect all kinds of things. From cravings to moods.
First I thought it was maybe a colloquial thing. but by then end of your post I was convinced that you are using the wrong words. And this could be an issue when discussing your problems with others.
the word I think you should be using is bloating. And although farting and bloating are related that are not exactly the same thing. Farting is not painful( - except

Wind or breaking/passing wind is the correct term for intestinal gas. In many situations using the word `fart` can be considered vulgar or offensive. I wouldn`t imagine most people to use the word when discussing the issue with their GP.
Wind or breaking/passing wind is the correct term for intestinal gas. In many situations using the word `fart` can be considered vulgar or offensive. I wouldn`t imagine most people to use the word when discussing the issue with their GP.
I know that.... but wind/ farting is not the same as bloating. at least not where I am from. Although the confusion may be that both are caused by gas. but farting is the gas going outside and bloating is the gas trapped inside.
I know that.... but wind/ farting is not the same as bloating. at least not where I am from. Although the confusion may be that both are caused by gas. but farting is the gas going outside and bloating is the gas trapped inside.

No confusion as it`s the same substance and `passing wind` is releasing it.
Need a good analogy.
Not a good one but .....
like a prison and a prison escape.
Both have prisoners. but in the first the prisoners are on the inside and in the other the prisoners are on the outside. :)
I apologize for being a bit graphic here: I do have flatulence sometimes, and the more fiber you eat, the more waste you'll have coming out at the other end. Your stools will probably be much softer too. But I don't have any actual discomfort; elimination is easy for me.

Maybe @Lou nailed it by mentioning bloating; I haven't had that issue.
I thought this thread was going to be about windmills :).

Research has shown that 60% of people diagnosed with IBS, really have SIBO ( Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth ).

There are medical tests for SIBO and medical cures for SIBO.

I would go find a gastroenterologist.

Ask to be tested for SIBO.

If it turns out that you don't have SIBO the gastroenterologist can suggest other treatments as well.

Once you find a good gastroenterologist stick with them until your situation is resolved or it plateaus.

If it plateaus do a web search on "functional medicine professionals" to find an MD or RD in your area that practices functional medicine.

Good Luck
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