Murray Wins Wimbledon


Staff member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
1st Brit (he is a Scot) to win Wimbledon since the last 77 years.

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Reactions: PTree15 and yally
Well, the link doesn't take me to a specific article about this guy. Does he have a first (or last) name? And isn't the picture above of a female? So is Murray a male or a female?

And would I be disrespecting this person if I abstained from humming "God Save the Queen"?
I was so happy! :D Was bloody brilliant. Although I don't know what was up with Novak because he was just not playing to his usual standard. Might have been the heat (seriously, how on earth did they manage to play in 40 degrees? )

Oh. I guess you posted a pic of a female spectator, then? :p

And if this guy won Wimbledon, then who's this person?

*sigh* I guess being a female, she doesn't count, eh? :shrug:

*sigh* If Laura had won then there would have been the same reaction. It's nothing to do with Andy being male or any of that ******** that you're trying to imply but everything to do with the fact that Wimbledon is the oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament, it's held in Britain but there hasn't been a British winner since 1977 ( Virginia Wade) and there hasn't been a British winner of the men's single since 1936.
There's also the fact that Andy won the gold medal at the Olympics (yes, he won in the men's single, not the ladies' single if that isn't obvious to you. Oh and he and Laura won the silver in the mixed doubles) so for him to win Wimbledon after that... Well.. It's kinda a huge ******* deal.
Gimme a break, all I saw was a single name "Murray" and a picture of somebody I thought at first was the person in question. And the link she posted went to the website's home page, not to a specific article, and I didn't see an article about "Murray" on the home page. So I was confused. Then I saw an article about Bartoli winning the women's, and I was even more confused because I thought she was British, too. I don't follow tennis, or I would have known what was going on already. :shrug:
:starshower:It was amazing. I didn't think he was going to win even when he was two sets up, just because I have had my hopes up so many times before!
And would I be disrespecting this person if I abstained from humming "God Save the Queen"?

Take a trip to Glasgow and start humming 'God Save the Queen' there, Amy. You'll soon find out .. :shtf:

Scottish people are a bit like Elephants in as much as they have long memories and the lines below from the English national anthem (theirs is 'Scotland the Brave', btw) have not entirely been forgotten ..

Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the King

The Scots are a strange race in other ways too. They breed 'hippy' cows!

The last time a Brit won a singles title at Wimbledon was actually 36 years ago.
I was never under the impression that it was the first time in 77 years any Brit had won...Its always been reported on the news channel Ive seen as the first Male Brit in 77 years. Seems like some news stations are presenting half the facts so the story seems more interesting.