Lady Gaga Blasts PETA

She is involved in that too, however starting her own campaign seems more for focus on her rather than the cause. IMHO.
I've nothing against LG making an effort and supporting a cause but as a bi woman I don't applaud celebs accepting people like me as normal. I don't feel gratitude that I am deemed acceptable by celebs.
From the article:

"I have truly always stayed away from skinned fur, especially I have never been able to afford a nice one, but this does not mean my morals are rigid and that I won't bend at the sight of an absolute art piece of a coat," Gaga asserts. "I have no chains about this. You see a carcass, I see a museum pièce de résistance."

So, animal rights don't matter when it's for "art"? Yep, obviously a massively important cause to her.

Unbelievable. How can she think like that? Most omnis I know disagree with wearing fur, I find her viewpoint bizarre.
Anne Hathaway
Hillary Clinton
Cyndi Lauper
Alan Cumming
Colin Farrell
Ellen DeGeneres
Neil Patrick Harris
Tom Hanks
President Obama...There are plenty more too.
Sorry to have mispoken, I didn't mean to imply that LG was the first person to think of helping this cause. She was very helpful to a friend, who felt connected to her way of helping, maybe because they were both 21 or 22 at the time. Her message of anti-bullying of gays resonated with him, and helped him to pull himself out of a very dark place.

So a huge disgusted thumbs down on the animal abuse flaunting; I hope she changes her mind pronto. I was an omnivore at LG's age, and wore leather and everything, so I feel not in a really strong position to judge her solely on the fur and petulance.
There's nothing heroic about being a celebrity and releasing public statements about progressive values or using one's money for a good cause. Heroism is something that requires severe self-sacrifice, either in terms of time, energy or one's very life and well-being. If what Lady Gaga talked about was some really really marginal cause and she thereby risked being severely ostracized in the entertainment industry, then maybe that could be heroic. That doesn't mean what she does doesn't have value, it just means I wouldn't consider her a hero. I don't consider Morrissey a hero for talking about animal rights either; I suspect he gains pleasure from controversy and there's no serious risk in it for him.
SS summed it up. Translation:

Somebody runs into burning house to save family of total strangers. = Hero / Heroine (Great risk - little personal gain.)

Celebrity: 'Stand up and be counted all you misfits of society! Be proud of who you are!' = "Is this outfit weird enough? Cause I'm going to get my picture taken even more now..." (No risk - great personal gain due to media coverage.)
The act itself doesn't make her a hero, the perception of it does.

For example, I know there are plenty of kids alive today that would have killed themselves if it weren't for the support of her and her ideas. Sounds weird but look around the internet and you'll find lots of stories.

The same with Dan Savage - I don't think he's a very nice guy but those who were saved by the Trevor Project certainly might, and I wouldn't get in their way.