Nutrition & Diet January Health Challenge

You and me both!

I'm getting my diet back on track this month, after a couple of months with too much cheating. So I've eaten both gluten and sugar and put on weight again.

So. No sugar. No gluten.

I still have plans to get on a vegan diet, as I really think it's the best for my health, the enviroment and the animals. But I'm going to take it over some time now, since I've problem getting enough nutrion and calories on a plantbased diet. It's so strange eating that much food, so I don't eat enough... And I want to start loosing weight again.

But most important is my health now. Getting back in shape, so I can go back to work. :)
I have to join too, I lost a couple of lbs last month and then gained it back over X-mas.:rolleyes:

1. I want to start exercising, I bought an exercise mat to put down under my mini trampoline but I haven't used it yet.:oops:

2. Eat more fruit and veg. I'm going to make a banana/apple one smoothie in a minute.

3. Do a mindfulness exercise once a day, usually before bed.
I want to keep active with my usual spinning & 30DS. Would like to add yoga back in again (my DVD got scratched before I'd really got anywhere with it) so I'll buy another yoga DVD soon...any suggestions??

Food wise, I don't give a **** how much I eat quantity wise, it just needs to be mostly healthy choices. As much healthy & nutritious food as possible!

I've been off to a great start this month. :D I did a run on New Year's Day after work, did another the next day, did a 10.2km hike yesterday with the family, and just got home from a 7.5km hike today! :) I've also been keeping up doing my ab+arm challenges. Got further than the last times I started them up.

All of the Christmas baking is gone, and I only have two chocolates left from my Christmas chocolate, so healthy eating is back on too, haha.
I actually managed to maintain my weight through the holidays, which is the first time ever for this! It was really nice not having my pants tighter, lol. I did indulge, but I was smarter about this go-round, alternating indulgent days with healthy ones. It really worked out well.
My goals for January are to lose the last couple of pounds so that I can reach my initial goal weight. :D
Keep exercising with at least 5 days of cardio and 3 days of weights (off to a good start on both);
Drink at least 48 ounces of water a day. I have been slacking on this, especially through the holidays;
Cut down on the refined carbs (bread, pasta, etc.). I have been kind of lax on that of late;
Keep tracking my food intake on Sparkpeople (I was lazy about this the last couple of months. Tracking keeps me honest, and I seem to make more healthy choices when I track what I eat.)
Today I did 50 minutes on the treadmill. I had to reduce the incline and speed somewhat because my right knee has been wonky, which it sometimes is, lol, and then I did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike. Good workout. :0) On New Year's Day I went hiking, which was great. It was cold, but sunny and beautiful. Great way to kick off the new year!
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I am having a good week so far, food-wise and exercise-wise. I think I am finally over the holiday hump! I did the spin bike today and really pushed it. I was dripping sweat when I was done.
I've been off sugar for almoust four weeks now (I cheated, and started in the middle of December. :p ). And all my sugar cravings are now gone away. :) A couple of weeks more, and I know I'll hate everything sweetned with sugar again. :p
Awesome job Mikkel! Cutting out sugar can be really hard. I find the less often you have it, the less you crave it, but it's hard to get to that point, so well done on toughing it out.
I haven't eliminated it completely, but I definitely have reduced it greatly since last January. No sugar in my tea for almost a year now (it's disgusting with now), no more juice/store-bought iced tea, and I only drink water at Starbucks now. (I'm an employee, which is why this is significant) Those three things were my problem areas, as I seldom have any sugar otherwise.

On the exercise front, I've been doing pretty good. :D I've been doing 5k runs now since Saturday with no walking breaks, which is a huge achievement for me. January 2013, I could hardly even walk 5k without needing to be basically dragged the last 1km, and now I run it.
I've been off sugar for almoust four weeks now (I cheated, and started in the middle of December. :p ). And all my sugar cravings are now gone away. :) A couple of weeks more, and I know I'll hate everything sweetned with sugar again. :p
Ugh, I hate you! :p :)
I need to cut back on my sugar intake.
Two or three years ago I gave up sugar in my coffee and tea for Lent. Everyone said after a week or two I wouldn't miss it and that I would get used to drinking coffee/tea without it. They lied. First thing I did when I woke up Easter morning was to have a huge cup of coffee with lots of sugar!
Thanks! I'm very happy that it went so easy this time.

First time I cut out Coke, I felt like an addict, and had really problems... :p

I don't drink coffee, but I drink tea from time to time. And I have to have it sweet. But I use stevia for it now, and for me it's the same. :) But I don't know how it taste in coffee. :p
Did a run yesterday afternoon after work, and did a run this morning before work. Tomorrow I'm going to see one of my friends for the first time in months, and we're going to do a run together. :)
You guys are doing great! I still enjoy my sweet treats but in much more sane amounts :D.
I have been doing fabulous with exercise and decent (but could do better) with food. Still maintaining my weight, though, which is huge for me. That last three pounds is going to be tough to dump, but I'm just so dang happy I haven't gone back up. I am hoping that, finally, this way of eating and exercising will stick with me. For once, it doesn't really feel like a "diet" anymore. :)
January is almost over and I haven't done that well. I did start going back to the gym on my days off so that is a start. I haven't gotten on the scale in weeks.....
I haven't done that well either, January is such a crappy month. Never mind February is just around the corner and that is a depressing month too.:D I have managed to cut back on sugar but I haven't lost any weight.:rolleyes: Less chance of getting type 2 diabetes though I suppose.
Not been doing particularly well. Feeling a bit lazy & run down but I do exercise regularly I suppose. Not been limiting food at all, nor worrying about what I eat but have been eating proper meals which I never used to do! Just went clothes shopping (which I never do) & size 8 seems to be too big now. So I guess I'm not putting on weight from all the foods :s