I just copied & pasted my post from the chat thread. I figured this deserved its very own. 
I'm fascinated with ugly veggies.
Recently reread a Nat Geo article from March... a THIRD of the world's produce goes to waste simply because it doesn't look "normal"....
Well, f*ck normal! Normal is boring! Let your freak flag fly!!
Jer said that the Walmart here has a freak-fruit/veggie section.... there's still a petition for country-wide cooperation.
Please sign: Walmart: What the Fork Are You Doing With Your Produce, Walmart?
And visit: Ugly Fruit & Veg
I'm gonna see if I can't maybe get the ball rolling for Kroger to do something, too.... (I hate Walmart. LOL)
I dunno 'bout you, but I think these guys look gorgeous.... and delicious!!
UPDATE: Wal-Mart, America's Largest Grocer, Is Now Selling Ugly Fruit And Vegetables
Hey, it's a definite start. But it's only apples. Howzabout some veggies, folks??

I'll keep my **ahem** eyes peeled
for "Spuglies" potatoes, too! 
I'm fascinated with ugly veggies.
Well, f*ck normal! Normal is boring! Let your freak flag fly!!

Jer said that the Walmart here has a freak-fruit/veggie section.... there's still a petition for country-wide cooperation.
Please sign: Walmart: What the Fork Are You Doing With Your Produce, Walmart?
And visit: Ugly Fruit & Veg
I'm gonna see if I can't maybe get the ball rolling for Kroger to do something, too.... (I hate Walmart. LOL)

I dunno 'bout you, but I think these guys look gorgeous.... and delicious!!

UPDATE: Wal-Mart, America's Largest Grocer, Is Now Selling Ugly Fruit And Vegetables
Hey, it's a definite start. But it's only apples. Howzabout some veggies, folks??

I'll keep my **ahem** eyes peeled