News Hillary Clinton is seeking nomination for president

Second Summer

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Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
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The announcement came in emails from John D. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, to donors and others.

“I wanted to make sure you heard it first from me – it’s official: Hillary’s running for president,” the email reads. It goes on to say that Mrs. Clinton will soon meet with voters in Iowa and will host a formal kickoff event some time next month.

Mr. Podesta ends the email by referencing what is likely to be a major theme of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. “We need to make the middle class mean something again,” it says.
More: (12. April 2015)
I wonder if she really wants to be president, or feels like she has no choice since we lack other candidates, and the U.S. would have a hard time surviving another dunk in the toilet by a Republican president.
I'm pretty sure she REALLY wants to be president.
That is my impression as well. She's getting older, though, so maybe her ambitions are changing.

My general impression is that she's first and foremost a pragmatist whose "primary directive" is to seek political power. She is more moderate than Obama, and that puts her closer to the political center, which is traditionally where the majority of votes are. She also appears to be well aligned with certain special interest groups, such as the oil & gas lobby and AIPAC. That obviously helps fill her campaign coffers.
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Wall Street approves. The last candidate who should be representing the Democrats in the modern era of income inequality, but we knew it was coming.
I wonder if she really wants to be president, or feels like she has no choice since we lack other candidates, and the U.S. would have a hard time surviving another dunk in the toilet by a Republican president.
I believe income inequality has gotten worse under Obama than any President in history. I don't notice any difference personally.
I remember her saying she didn't want to run in the past, so I was wondering if she felt some obligation to run now.

I'm pretty sure she REALLY wanted to be president when her husband was president, lol.
I liked Bill, but I'm pretty sure Hilary was the actual president. ;)
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The same Bill Clinton who believed in deregulation that caused the world economy to collapse?
Not any different than almost all other politicians in the US Congress at the time, surely? Also, deregulation had being going on since before Bill Clinton's presidency and continued after it ended. And the collapse and bailouts didn't occur until late in Bush jr.'s second term. IIRC. Just saying.
Btw, I (as a Non-American) always found it hilarious that the U.S. Public was deeply insulted what a low-down scoundrel Bill Clinton was when it was found out that he had not been able to keep his willie to himself.

Well, not that I would personally find that to be the hallmark of an upstanding and honest man, but the guy who replaced him had been ... Director of the C.I.A. Yeah, right. What does THAT job do for your personal morals? Just asking....
Well, not that I would personally find that to be the hallmark of an upstanding and honest man, but the guy who replaced him had been ... Director of the C.I.A. Yeah, right. What does THAT job do for your personal morals? Just asking....
That was the previous president, Bush Sr. It was Bush Jr. who replaced Bill Clinton. I can see how it gets confusing with these family dynasties though.
You are absolutely right, sir!

So what I wanted to say was that George Bush senior was often touted as aa "moral" person as opposed to Bill Clinton.

Yes, it is confusing ... I personally still remember Ronald Reagan beating Jimmy Carter, but was too young at the time to see the problem with that.
It doesn't bode well for the Democrats that Hillary Clinton is the only big name seeking their nomination, whereas the Republicans have numerous options.
It doesn't bode well for the Democrats that Hillary Clinton is the only big name seeking their nomination, whereas the Republicans have numerous options.

Why? It means that most of her war chest can be put toward the general election, rather than the primaries.
Why? It means that most of her war chest can be put toward the general election, rather than the primaries.
True, but if she loses, which is a distinct possibility, then where are the Democratic candidates for the next election? The presidential race nominations offer a way for aspiring political stars to create a name for themselves. Also, debate between real dem. candidates creates enthusiasm among democratic voters. And, the many republican candidates won't have to waste energy on the lesser Democratic candidates. Instead they will now have more than 18 months to spend their energy bad-mouthing the only real Democratic candidate.