Hey, gamers! Whatcha playin'?


Thought I'd give this a shot again last night... got stuck long ago, not sure how, I breezed through that spot this time, no prob.... a few too many HOS for my taste, but it's got robots 'n' stuff!! LOL :D Really kind of enjoying it this time.

I shall continue shortly, after making food. :up:
Continuing with Crossworlds (playing in quick installments).... proved to be a bit more challenging, as I have a lousy sense of direction & the hint button doesn't work for that, only charges (sooo slowwwly... :tired:) in puzzle & HO scenes.... which I can rock out on my own, no sweat. I just get lost easily. LOL

Sadly, I've had to resort to the walk-through to tell me where I am & where I should be going. :fp:
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I got Undertale in the Steam sale after my friend was going on about how much I'd like it. So far so good. Its a new RPG but styled like a really old one, and quite humorous.
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Free download from a couple weeks ago, thought I'd finally give it a whirl (Yeah, I played the first... heavy on the HO, but think Audrey II ;)).
Pizza, comfy-pants, solitude, mucho mellowness.... all systems go. :up:
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I've been playing the Telltale games pretty hard. So far I've played through both seasons of The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, and close to finishing Tales from the Borderlands. Also giving WildStar a try but not really feeling it. MMORPG's have been a little hard for me to get into lately.
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I've been playing the Telltale games pretty hard. So far I've played through both seasons of The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, and close to finishing Tales from the Borderlands. Also giving WildStar a try but not really feeling it. MMORPG's have been a little hard for me to get into lately.
Telltale's got some GREAT ****! I played some of Back to the Future, also had one o' the Monkey Island ones for PS2. :rolleyes:
I'm almost thinking something involving creepy crawlies, maybe to anesthetize me or something.... I'll have to search my archives... or perhaps play a super-old CSI somethingorother wherein you can collect various bugs for Grissom during investigations....
While I have a HUGE stockpile of PC download games, I'm currently downloading another from Download Free Games - 100% Free PC Games at MyPlayCity.com
I just wanted something I haven't played through at least twice already.
If anyone downloads from that site, however, be always aware to UNCLICK the boxes that can be browser-hijackers. Be vigilant. Otherwise, no sweat, lotsa games. :cool:

It'll download quicker if I sign off.... Nighters!! :wave:
Gonna continue a free download.... The Saint: Abyss of somethingorother. Free downloads from the aforementioned site tend to be heavy on the HOS, with not much substance.... but every so often there's that "Holy crap, this was FREE???" kind of game, with actual adventure & challenge (but legitimately workable and interesting challenges & puzzles... not the ubiquitous, tiresome crap).... in my long run of these games, I've sort of developed a slight fondness for gear & pipe puzzles, however... they tend to come more easily to me for some reason.... I guess it's because I like to work both ends. o_O :rofl: Yeah, you got that. Ok, I'm out. Time to hunt some objects & eat some pizza. :rolleyes:
^^^^Sounds interesting! Is it a text adventure or more of a joystick-controlled action game?

I tried to play a free on-line version of Pac-Man a week or so ago but the computer I tried it on wasn't cooperating.
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I'm curious if anyone here knows about or has participated in the Humble Bundle? They're a website that where game developers offer up their titles in exchange for donations to a lot of really good charities. There is no set price on the bundles, you "pay what you want". But there is a minimum if you want the entire bundle offered. Usually the minimum is between $9 and $13. Cool games, great causes.

Humble 2K Bundle 2 (pay what you want and help charity)
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There is a minor one in episode 3 where your friend surprises you. Other than that, no.
Killer! Thanks for the rec! I'll definitely give it whirl! :up:

I think (it may've been subconscious) I started this thread so there'd be a place I could go back to to check out new games & sites.... I mean, I bookmark sh*t, I download sh*t, I've played every damn online game of my fave genres there are... but I'm easily bored & like to bounce a bit... whatever suits my mood at the time.

Or maybe I began the thread so I could check & see what I was playing previously but couldn't remember.... :weird: :p