

Sep 17, 2017
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Hello, I am new here. My name is Cassie.
I have been vegetarian for about a month now, after wanting to for a few years. Being diagnosed with gastritis, (and feeling by far the worst pain of my entire life), was the push that made me take the plunge. Especially after discovering that the foods that caused the worst flareup was anything with meat in it. After making this change, not only has it stopped gastritis pain dead in it's tracks, but helped me in a lot of other ways. I feel better, I have more energy, my skin looks better, and just an all around improvement.
For now, I am only vegetarian, but I eventually want to completely cut out all animal products, such as dairy and egg, and try veganism. I will try that later on, after adjusting to this change for a while. Easier to make one change at a time instead of all at once.
My profile says a little bit more about me if you would like to read it. I look forward to seeing other people's ideas and sharing my own as well. :)
Hi Cassie, welcome!
Really great to hear that your ailments have improved with a vegetarian diet...
Hi there Cassie! I've already sent that automatic welcome message, but thought I should pop in and welcome you properly as well. So, welcome on board, and congratulations on your decision!
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