Vegan Flapjacks


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
250 g oats
50 g light muscovado sugar
150 g golden syrup
175 g vegan margerine

Gently cook the sugar, syrup and vegan margerine in a saucepan until the sugar
has dissolved. Remove and gently stir in the oats.

Line a 20 cm square baking tin with greased parchment paper. Press the mixture into
the tin.
Bake in oven 180 °C for approx. 20 mins until golden brown. You can give it an extra
10 mins if you like a crispier texture.
Leave to rest before cutting into squares. Remove the flapjacks when completely cold.

Tip : You can also add a cup of dried fruit e.g cranberries, blueberries and a tsp of cinnamon.

Would any sticky syrup be ok?

Golden syrup isn't available here.
Would any sticky syrup be ok?

Golden syrup isn't available here.

I don't know what sticky syrup is, however it should have the consistency of honey.
Sorry, but this is the only International example that I can think of ! :(
I don't know what sticky syrup is, however it should have the consistency of honey.
Sorry, but this is the only International example that I can think of ! :(

Ah,sorry, there is no such thing as "sticky syrup" in itself, I just meant it as a general term for syrups that have that consistency.
Ah,sorry, there is no such thing as "sticky syrup" in itself, I just meant it as a general term for syrups that have that consistency.

It's not always easy substituing products. Golden syrup is very dense and has the most wonderful taste. All
syrups do not have the exact density e.g. maple syrup is far lighter in com

Whops, I forgot that they harden when cold.

So they came out pretty much ok after all.
I love flapjack when it's made well.

So many supermarket FJs are rubbish. They seem to want to add water based liquids to it, and good flapjack has non...they aren't vegan anyway generally, so I wouldn't buy them anyway....

Bought ones often have nuts and fruit in them, which spoils them too.
I like flapjacks when they are a bit thicker so next time I should get a smaller pan.
So, are these meant to be eaten cold?
So, are these meant to be eaten cold?

doesn't really matter.....people usually eat them cold, as they have cooled from baking by then.....
I don't think people generally heat them up, although there prob is someone.:D

They are nice warm from if they have just been cooked.
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You do just fine...I just happen to be VV's biggest UKer-wannabe, lol. I like/want everything you guys have! :)
Yep eaten cold. They also last in the cupboard (in an air-tight container ) for a few weeks. We've sent homemade flapjacks in international mail that took 2 weeks to arrive and they were still ok. (We wrapped them in grease-proof paper, then clingfilm and then tin foil. )

Tip, if you want them really hard and crunchy add some lemon juice into the mixture.

For naughty flapjacks add whiskey or brandy :p
Tip, if you want them really hard and crunchy add some lemon juice into the mixture.

For naughty flapjacks add whiskey or brandy :p

Yum! That sounds like a good idea, also good lemon juice tip. Mine always come out softer than I prefer them.

Also I like to put marzipan in chunks into them sometimes... because I love marzipan.