Do Dogs See the Supernatural ?


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
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My furry baby sometimes looks at the wall as though she is looking at something. Coincidence or does she really see something not visible to the human eye ?

Why did all the animals flee to higher grounds just before the Asian Tsunami a fews years ago ?

Why do birds stop chirping before an eclipse ?

Cats also have uncanny powers :

"the eye cannot see what the mind is unwilling to accept", or some such quote....wasn't that on the Matrix.

Anyway, I think animals' minds could accept quite a bit more than the human mind is often willing to accept.
I wouldn't say that it's supernatural.

I would, however, say that it's because of their physical senses which are more precise and efficient than those of humans.
I think it's less likely to be supernatural, and more likely to be that animals have different (often much more acute) senses and ways of understanding the world, and the ways they respond seem "spooky" or "supernatural" or unusual to us. I think it's much more likely that the animals before the Tsunami felt vibrations/etc way before humans did, and were unnerved by them, and wanted to run away. Dogs can smell if people have cancer, so it doesn't seem unlikely that a cat could smell if somebodies body was failing them.

Animals are extraordinary and amazing all on their own, without needing to be supernatural! Check out neuroscience for kids which explains the senses of different animals, or "super powered animal senses you wont believe are possible". There is so much more yet to discover, simply because we don't understand the science or haven't studied the animals enough to know :)
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Fascinating stuff! The second link doesn't work for an error.

Bogart came to live with me two months after Thor died...a few of the times that I filmed Bogart with my iPhone, upon playback, this floating circular object appeared (I like to think it was an orb and not a particle of dust). I say the orb was Thor's spirit saying he was ok and happy that Bogart found a home with me.
Fascinating stuff! The second link doesn't work for an error.

Bogart came to live with me two months after Thor died...a few of the times that I filmed Bogart with my iPhone, upon playback, this floating circular object appeared (I like to think it was an orb and not a particle of dust). I say the orb was Thor's spirit saying he was ok and happy that Bogart found a home with me.

Aww that is a real comfort to know.

Try this one : Oscar is world famous.
I prefer the scientific explanation that animals have more acute senses than humans and respond differently to what they pick up. :D
Dogs and other animals have more acute senses than humans, plus they are more in tune to their senses. If you ignore your senses in the wild, you die.

I once had a GSD mix who could pick up on storms several hours before they arrived. He was way more accurate than the weather guy on TV too. One of my current dogs isn't freaked by storms the way the GSD was, but a couple months ago we had straight line winds here which caused a lot of damage and he got extremely restless well before the sirens sounded and warnings were announced on the radio. He kept pacing the house and then would stop to stare at me, over and over. Probably trying to say "Hey stupid human, we should be in the basement." :p Maybe the NWS should employ a few dogs.

While humans don't have the sense of hearing and smell that other animals do, I believe we do have a sixth sense if we'd just tune in.
Dogs and other animals have more acute senses than humans, plus they are more in tune to their senses. If you ignore your senses in the wild, you die.
I agree.I think dogs and other animals just have better senses than humans.It is absolutely amazing that dogs can be guide dogs,help people with seizures,find lost children,detect illness,predict weather.I never cease to be amazed by them.
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