Constantly craving junk food


Forum Novice
Mar 8, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
I have only become a vegan recently (4.5 months ago) I find myself constantly craving junk food mostly chocolate.I try to buy fruit instead as it is much healthier however I don't feel very satisfied.Even if I am physically full I don't feel very satisfied so I keep finding myself eating constantly.
There are probably as many successful strategies to deal with this as there are healthy people.

One strategy that is employed is to limit yourself to just one piece of dark chocolate after a meal.

Another is to use some kind of substitute for a sweet. Some people use herbal tea either a sweet one or one sweetened with cardamon.

And of course, just ignoring the cravings. Most cravings are some kind of mental or emotional glitch. Although there is some scientific/medical evidence that gut bacteria can send chemical signals to your brain. Cutting out the sweets entirely may change your gut bacteria and then cut off the signals.
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If you're craving something you should eat it in proper portion/moderation.
For me, I am a chocolate person as well. I see no need to cut off chocolate, as it has health benefits and is well, yummy. Because of this, I bought a jar of nutiva which is vegan and has less sugar than normal nutella. I dip a strawberry in it, and that is my little treat.
I recommend you look into slightly healthier treat alternatives as well- go for the lower sugar, less processed, ect. Remember its okay to have a treat!
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Try eating dried fruit like dates, figs, raisins, combined with nuts daily. You will be full faster but your body will need some time to adjust and for the first couple of days you may crave even more and the extra fiber might give you the runs a little, but it will pass.
Also try adding curry powder to nuts, put in a jar and shake it up, great alternative to crisps and such.

Adding beans to your salads will help too. Be careful with starchy carbohydrates like potatos, pasta, bread and rice. Your blood sugar rises and drops which makes you hungry faster. So keep those to a minimum and make sure it's all wholegrain at least. Dried fruits have lots of carbs too but the fiber keeps it from entering your blood too fast.
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