Black Friday

My daughter had a terrible experience in the mall she works in yesterday. She sells expensive sunglasses, and had a group of about 8 young men come in and surround her, yelling stuff, while others were going to steal. (You can put $10,000 worth of glasses in your pocket in a minute there.) Luckily one of her friends from Macys, a tall guy, came running in, and another employee called security.

My daughter was really shaken up; she's worked there almost 2 years and doesn't want to even go back. The group was from another country (the mall is close to the international airport, so they often get shoppers from overseas) and not being able to understand some of what they said was very unsettling. What they did say in English was shocking, very sexually violent. :(

They didn't steal anything and weren't caught, but security has them on video (really reassuring).

I've seen con artist thieves things like this. It's horrible.

My daughter was really shaken up;

That was their goal. :( To distract and upset her so much that she wouldn't realize she was getting robbed. Disgusting, awful people.

:hug:For your daughter. Hopefully these assholes will be caught. I'm glad they got them on tape. The tape should be shown to ALL employees of the mall so they know to look out for them in case they come back (which is unlikely ).
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I've seen con artist thieves things like this. It's horrible.

That was their goal. :( To distract and upset her so much that she wouldn't realize she was getting robbed. Disgusting, awful people.

:hug:For your daughter. Hopefully these assholes will be caught. I'm glad they got them on tape. The tape should be shown to ALL employees of the mall so they know to look out for them in case they come back (which is unlikely ).

That is what they do at ATMs overhere especially with elderly people.
Sorry about your daughter's experience, ledboots. Scary stuff. :(
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When I was doing merchandising, a jewelry vendor wanted us on the floor , stocking on Black Friday in Macy's. It went as badly as it sounds. Carts full of boxes blocking the aisles, while tons of crazy people are trying to push each other through. Pure chaos, and nothing much got done.
My Black Friday shopping history is pretty limited. Every once in a while there's something on special that I want, but I never go for the Doorbusters, or go early in the morning. I'll go a bit later to avoid the crowds, and if they're out of the thing I wanted, I don't get upset about it.

This year the only thing I bought was an iTunes gift card that was on sale.
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I dunno if I got lucky or...
but no one was fighting. The worst part was being in line for an hour.
Everyone was so patient at Micro Center. Plus we got a good deal on a gaming laptop. For new it would have been 1,600. It was refurbished, so that brought it down to 599. Was also on sale, making it 399. :D
I never had a "gaming" computer. this excites me :)
I usually only buy DVDs on Black Friday, and always online. This year was no exception (last year I didn't buy anything), except this year they were Blu-Ray.

Some of these orders were placed the day before or after.

Sin City
Kickass 3
Fight Club
The Visitor
The Sandlot
Pulp Fiction
Office Space
Men of Honor
True Romance
Reservoir Dogs
American Psycho
Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
Sunshine Cleaning
Django Unchained
The Usual Suspects
No Country for Old Men
The Silence of the Lambs
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

I bought too much.
Hmmn, not very shocking, in my opinion. Not if you've read Sigmund Freud's Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego or the works on crowd psychology by people like Gustav Le Bon.


I must have been ditching class that day. ;)

Seriously, how many people do you think have actually read those books? :rolleyes:
Seriously, how many people do you think have actually read those books? :rolleyes:

I dunno. I read the Freud Group Psychology book in high school. (Not for a class, either.)

I never took a poll of other people and what they were reading.
Sigmund Freud was a terrible man and a fraud who receives too much credit.

I don't actually care about Black Friday or any of the culls associated with it. Just had to say that when I saw his name here as I lurked.
Sigmund Freud was a terrible man and a fraud who receives too much credit.

I don't actually care about Black Friday or any of the culls associated with it. Just had to say that when I saw his name here as I lurked.
Yes, psychology has come a long since I took it in the '70's. Sometimes a cigar *is* just a cigar, Dr Freud.
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