Any advice on research project?


Dec 19, 2019
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St Andrews
  1. Vegan
I am a vegan undergraduate sustainable development student in Scotland. I am about to begin my dissertation on vegan individual and community perceptions of identity. I will conduct qualitative research, most likely using an online questionnaire. I have a lot of work to do on research design specifically regarding questionnaire makeup. If anyone has any advice that would be greatly appreciated!! I am starting a little late for my course timeline but I feel more motivated than I have in a while and I really want to do this project justice! I really want to be able to address useful questions about vegan identity. Thank you, be well
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Reactions: Second Summer
That sounds like it could be an amazingly interesting project!

I haven't given this a lot of thought, but as for questions, perhaps you could consider including something about:

- How vegans rank their vegan identity compared to other identities they have: E.g. nationality, town/area - would they move to another, potentially faraway location, in order to maintain their vegan identity/lifestyle if it became difficult/not feasible in their home town/area?

- How about 'life partners' - would they consider someone who doesn't share their vegan lifestyle/identity?
Hello Victoria,

- What kinds of vegans are out there, and how can you group them into separate groups? e.g. Ethical vegans, Environmentally motivated, health, etc...

Also, maybe take a look at other surveys that were posted here, maybe something jumps out at you.

Best success for you undertaking!

Best regards,