Participant recruitment


Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi Everyone!

My name is Sofia and I am a final year student of BSc Nutrition and Exercise Sciences at University of Central Lancashire. I am conducting an undergraduate project research regarding the relationship between Nutrition, Circadian clock and metabolic health. The research will investigate the effect of sleep duration on nutrient intake in vegan and omnivores. I need vegan participants for this research. the eligibility requirements are the participants should 18 to 55 yrs old and must be vegan for at least 3 months. This research will increase our knowledge and will help you to understand the impact of your dietary habit on your sleep and metabolic health. The results will be shared with the participants at the end of the study. the personal data of the participants will be kept anonymised and locked in a secure server computer. Participants will be provided with the information sheet prior to the participation and consent form will also be signed.

Participants will be required to fill in the 4 day diet diary(Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday) and online questionnaire. If you are interested in participation please submit the consent form and Questionnaire by clicking on the links. For information sheet and diet diary please see the attached copies.

consent form


please send the complete diet diary to :

I would like to thank you all of those who will participate in my study and will provide me with an opportunity to explore more in the field of nutrition for the sake of people health:)


  • 4 Day diet diary.docx
    3.2 MB · Views: 7
  • Participant information sheet.pdf
    216.1 KB · Views: 3
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