Would you wear the necomimi cat ears?

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
Necomimi cat ears move according to your brainwaves and emotions.


They seem to be targeted towards women ....

Do you think you could improve communication with cats and other animals by wearing tech gadgets like these?
I'd wear them because they're cute. I'd say I dont think they'd do anything for animal communcation, however, my cats are all stupid enough to think a plastic cat is real sooo they may believe I have grown ears
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When would someone wear them, though? I suppose perhaps it's limited to parties and social events. They would probably be popular at computer gaming events, for example.

I'm curious about the gender aspect of this product. The advertising is clearly exclusively targeting women/ girls. While it's a cute product, it also gives away the wearer's true emotions, and in most contexts I would think that puts them at disadvantage. It's the intellectual version of nudity.
I'm not sure, maybe. Most likely no.
Defiantly not if they use real fur.
Would be easier if all "faux" fur was really fake.
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