One thing I've noticed over the years is the lack of support, real support, by vegans for the failed ones. The hostility and blaming and parroting of the same tired accusations , for example "You didn't try hard enough" and the eventual and lazy "You hate animals" and the ghosting is what turns people away from getting back on the horse in a sense. They feel they can't get help from their fellow brother and sister Vegans. It's sad.
In my experience some, not all, Vegans live in this dream world where if they keep saying it enough then it's true, meaning that everyone is the same in a sense and a Vegan diet works for all. People have so many food allergies these days and /or lack of money for all the Vegan food and good in depth medical care for a Vegan diet that they can't keep going and fail, or rather have to abandon the Vegan path. It seems that there are many, but not all, Vegans care more for the movement and animals than humans and won't face reality of Vegan failure because it will taint "the cause". The cause means more than people do. This irritates me to no end. If Vegans want to help the cause and help those that fail then Vegans need to admit the truth in that not every body is the same and people bodies have different needs. Then Vegans should then start putting their money where their mouth is and look to step up and actually HELP other vegans who have failed. Help pay for doctors visits, supplement and medical care, and vegan groceries so that people who want to be Vegan can find what their bodies need and continue on the Vegan path instead of having to hide and slink off into the darkness due to fear of retaliation and blaming by Vegans (who's Vegan diets are working for them).
This may sound harsh but it's the same wall I keep hitting over and over the past seventeen years. Things won't change unless reality is faced and acknowledged and spoken about in the public square that Vegan failure does happen and that Vegans need to step up and help other Vegans so they can find the right Vegan path for their bodies. There might be less Vegan failure if people can get some real life help.