What is the max reasonable temp for CPU/Graphics card


The Fire That Burns Within
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
In the Church of the Poisoned Mind
I've Googled this but can't seem to get a definitive answer.

What is considered the maximum safe temperature for a CPU, graphics cards and hard drives?

I have a program called Speccy that indicates the temps, but no matter how high the temps get, the meter is always green. That doesn't seem right.

For example, yesterday my graphics card was 121F and my CPU 110F. Yet both were in the green zone.
Those temps are fine. My CPU routinely gets up to 150F with no problems. You'll know if your processor gets too hot when the fan starts going crazy.
Those temps actually seem on the cool side to me, especially for summertime, but of course it depends on the specific cpu/gpu you are talking about. The Intel Pentium 4 (Prescott) processors for example ran very hot and normal operating temperature on the machine I had was 62C/144F. The cooling fans didn't even kick on until it went above that temperature. You should be able to google the specs on your particular processor/graphics card to find out what normal operating temperature should be. As far as I know most modern processors will throttle back anyway to avoid burning out.
You should be able to google the specs on your particular processor/graphics card to find out what normal operating temperature should be.


Also, if it seriously overheats, you'll notice. Things tend to get weird and eventually bluescreen/shutdown.
I think what you've been told by the other people in the forum is correct.

There is a freeware utility called SpeedFan that not only gives you temperature readings but supposedly helps you tweak your system.


It sounds like your system is ok if your temps are 150 or under.

ETA: Speedfan is showing the following temps on my laptop:

HD0: 32C [89.6 F]
Temp1: 50C [122 F]
GPU: 50C [122 F]

Fans are at 0 RPM.