Veggies and the Elderly


Forum Legend
Feb 24, 2021
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  1. Vegan
Since I am elderly, I am the recipient of a lot of free food. There is one non profit that runs all the organic free food giveaways in my town. I made sure that I am on their email list, and check their website frequently.

The local organic farmers donate their excess produce to this non profit. The non profit, also, takes the the excess produce and freezes it to send out during the winter.

I went over to their site (not expecting a lot), and walked away with three full shopping bags of organic veggies. I didn't want to look too greedy (lol).

I went around the building to tell everybody to get over there, and all of these people with canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and oxygen tanks; all said we don't eat vegetables and had been complaining about the high price of food.

We would get Badger Boxes that were filled with local organic meats, cheese, eggs, yogurt (I gave those animal items away) gourmet rice mixes, beans, cornmeal, vegetables, bags of fruit, granola bars, etc. I kept finding discarded bags of organic apples and pears sitting in the community room. The sickest people in the building would discard all of the healthy items, and keep the all of the animal products. I probably have about 30 bags of these discarded expensive gourmet rice, bean, and dried veggie mixes. If it is healthy, they don't want it. I was snatching up some discarded cans of seasoned collard greens; and one woman with Parkinson's (and only eats frozen meals), shuddered and said, "Eww. How can you eat that. That is disgusting".

I am one of the few people in the building that is completely medication free (not even high blood pressure 117/80). I have a full head of mostly original colored hair, no arthritis, no diabetes (my grandmother and mother were both diabetic), cancer free, and don't see doctors, except for checkups.

I told a very healthy, energetic looking woman about it, showed her what was in my bag, and she asked if that was all I got. I told her that I had 2 more full bags, and she said she was going to rush right over there. I think if they did a study on this building between the meat, dairy, and egg eaters, and the mostly veggie eaters; they would get a surprise. All of us veggie eaters are living long and healthy.

I get to spend the day cooking and freezing broccoli and tomato soup. It will take quite a bit of time today to clean, wash, and cut up the produce. Really perishable stuff (like beet greens) can be cooked and eaten later.

It just proves that plants are the best.
Wow you are really lucky there is this service in your town! The food pantries here are few and far between and probably don't have produce. (though I don't know as I have never had the need to visit a food pantry)
I agree that healthy eating keeps you young!
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Reactions: Brian W
Wow you are really lucky there is this service in your town! The food pantries here are few and far between and probably don't have produce. (though I don't know as I have never had the need to visit a food pantry)
I agree that healthy eating keeps you young!

It isn't a food pantry. They do a lot of things, especially for the elderly. They have a commercial kitchen for small businesses, greenhouses that grow plants for sale, have baking and cooking classes, etc.

They regularly have giveaways for elderly. I get emails when they are doing stuff.
That is amazing and a wonderful story.

I would be willing to bet that if you shared some of the amazing soups and meals that you make from all the veggies and beans etc that some of the people in your building would change their minds.

Emma JC
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