Vegan Podcasts


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
Huh. I can't believe we don't have this thread already.
Got this in the mail today and thought I'd post it.
I'm pretty full up on podcast s right now but I was heartened to see that not only is their number one recommendation my favorite but also that I subscribe to two of their top five.

So my favorite is Food For Thought. When I first became vegan and first got an iPod I used to listen to these podcasts all the time. Collen has a great speaking voice and really has a great attitude about veganism.

what is your favorite?

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I really like Nutrition Facts and the Disclosure Podcast.

I'm gonna have to check out the Cosmic Skeptic and Animal Law podcasts.
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Revisiting this thread because I need more podcasts. Gonna check out Food For Thought.

I just realized there's a bunch of stuff from Disclosure Podcast I haven't seen...I guess he's not uploading them to youtube anymore. Here's my favorite one from YT:

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Food for thought is still my favorite. When I started listening to it I started at the very beginning. I still think that might be the best.

I'd say about 80 or 90% of my "vegan identity" was shaped by Colleen.
I would plug my old iPod shuffle (2nd gen) into my aqua blue iMac (2nd gen) and launch iTunes. Plug my car's cassette adapter into the shuffle and listen to her soothing voice while driving to work.

Looking at the list in my Podcast application - they still have her whole catalog. Maybe the early ones are sort of basic but I still think that is the place to start. It looks like after 2008 her production really dropped off. I don't see anyway to see exactly how many there are but it should keep you busy for a long time.
Another podcast that I was reminded of today is Vox's Future Perfect Season 3
Vox has about 10 different Shows. Future Perfect is probably my favorite. And Season 3 is all about Livestock.
So maybe not a "vegan" podcast. It sort of tries to be even handed. It is a "News" podcast. well maybe not as much news as investigatory. but its hard to learn much about livestock without leaning towards animal rights. Its also pretty current having been "broadcast" just last fall.
Another podcast that I was reminded of today is Vox's Future Perfect Season 3
Vox has about 10 different Shows. Future Perfect is probably my favorite. And Season 3 is all about Livestock.
So maybe not a "vegan" podcast. It sort of tries to be even handed. It is a "News" podcast. well maybe not as much news as investigatory. but its hard to learn much about livestock without leaning towards animal rights. Its also pretty current having been "broadcast" just last fall.

Well, it took long enough but I finally finished season 3. And the best episode was the last episode: Rethinking Meat. This podcast had a lot of input from Dr. Melanie Joy.
You probably don't even need to listen to the other podcasts - but put this one on your ToDo list. Especially if you ever wondered why there aren't more vegans or you have problems dealing with non-vegans.
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I've been listening to lots of Rich Roll lately. Mostly about psychology and endurance rather than veganism but he's got some really interesting episodes. The one with neuroscientist Joe Huberman is my favorite so far.
Food For Thought has a new thing. Small Bite, Sound Bite. It's a weekly 2 -minute long podcast. This is perfect for me because I don't always get to her longer podcasts, which drop about twice a week and are on average around 40 minutes long.
These mini podcasts are meant to be a good short answer to a question that vegans either have or are asked. I love listening to her voice - so soothing. Plus she has a very healthy attitude towards veganism.

She said something in the latest podcast that really resonated with me. She said, She would ... "not contribute to the violence against animals where I have the power to do so...."
Maybe the shortest most succinct statement to describe vegan philosophy I've seen.

The Exam Room podcast by PCRM is really good
As I emphasize in my book The Joyful Vegan, creating a community of like-minded people is essential to staying vegan — and a joyful vegan, at that.

That applies to all of us — me included.

I’ve been part of the animal protection and vegan movements for over 24 years now, and I’m so grateful for all of the incredible people I get to call my colleagues, friends, and community members.

How fun — and meaningful — that I get to converse with them not just privately as friends but publicly for all to hear and hopefully benefit from.

In the last couple months, I’ve had the honor of being in conversation with many incredibly special people — two of whom recently invited me onto their respective podcasts for connection and conversation.

And I’m thrilled to announce our episodes are now live.​


I've known the Esselstyns for years, speaking at the same conferences, moving in the same circles, but this is the first time Rip and I sat down for a heartfelt conversation; he was a gracious and generous host, and I hope you get something out of our chat.

👉 You can watch our conversation on YouTube (and see all the incredibly lovely comments!).
👉 You can visit the episode page, which has links to all the major pod players.​