Various random thoughts & observations....

It always weirds me out whenever younger generations “discover” songs I listened to when they first came out. Take for instance, the Malvina Reynolds song, “Little Boxes”. It was used in the TV series “Weeds”, which I never watched. I know the song because my parents bought and played the record when it came out in 1962 (when I was three years old), and I grew up listening to it. I looked up the song on YouTube, and a LOT of the comments said “I came here because of Weeds. I didn’t know the song was that old. I thought it was written for the show.” :fp:
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It always weirds me out whenever younger generations “discover” songs I listened to when they first came out. Take for instance, the Malvina Reynolds song, “Little Boxes”. It was used in the TV series “Weeds”, which I never watched. I know the song because my parents bought and played the record when it came out in 1962 (when I was three years old), and I grew up listening to it. I looked up the song on YouTube, and a LOT of the comments said “I came here because of Weeds. I didn’t know the song was that old. I thought it was written for the show.” :fp:

My father & I used to sing that in the car a lot when I was very young.... :D
How about a post-election cook-fest? Maybe this weekend? Let's vote on it! :up:

I was thinkin' if the results are good, we could make festive food (or drinks for those who don't cook), with as many colors of the rainbow as possible... and/or things from other cultures/countries/regions. :smitten:

And if the results are lousy, we just make a lot of comfort food.... :hide:
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How about a post-election cook-fest? Maybe this weekend? Let's vote on it! :up:

I was thinkin' if the results are good, we could make festive food (or drinks for those who don't cook), with as many colors of the rainbow as possible... and/or things from other cultures/countries/regions. :smitten:

And if the results are lousy, we just make a lot of comfort food.... :hide:
I'm in! I am actually going to be home on a weekend for once, haha. :D
I can’t believe ponchos and capes are back in style. My sister and I wore ponchos when we were kids in the sixties. I never thought they’d make a comeback.
I thought the fashion of sixties has always been a popular trend... E.g. Annie-the-ballerina bought a bordeaux-colored poncho in Kazan' city and now puts it on proudly every day.:p
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These are amazing. I can’t possibly pick a favorite. I had such an awful day yesterday, physically and mentally. Reading these quotes has helped me to want to start today with a clear slate. Thank you for sharing. :)
Yay! Thank you for appreciating.:hug:I hope today is a better day for you.
I haven't even read them all yet (maybe because they are in English, lol), but i noticed a soothing effect on my mind. That's exactly what i need after a day of communicating to all the irritating sources i have to deal with.:p
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"Yesli ubrat' vsju otravu, khvalyonoje izobilije budjet vyglyadjet' vot tak" ("When you take all the poison away, the vaunted exuberance will look like this").:D
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"Til-la lul-la ĥul na-an-gu-ul-en, gam ĥa-la-zu-še mu-un-ĝal". ("As long as you live you should not increase evil by telling lies; for if you do, to succumb will be your lot").

"Sig-ga ba-ra-gid-de kalag-ga ba-ra-ab-gub". ("One cannot drag out the weak, one cannot hold back the strong").
/Sumerian proverbs.:sheep:
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I had twenty threads on ignore so I just went and unignored them all. I was curious to see if I was missing anything. Apparently I wasn’t. And I’m glad because they were depressing threads, lol. Plus I always hit “new posts” and sometimes there are only a handful of threads with new posts in them. I thought maybe some of the new posts were in the ignored threads. They weren’t. It’s just quiet here. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing for the individual, I guess, as hopefully it means they have enough going on to keep them occupied. :)
Isn’t it cute when old people pair up together? There’s one old lady in her nineties here who has found herself a boyfriend. They sit together all the time and snuggle and talk. Sometimes she even *GASP* blows off bingo so they can sit together. What is this world coming to? :eek: :p

Maybe I’ll find a boyfriend also when I’m that old. One must never lose hope. :D
I wonder why I don’t like small talk, but if I don’t like small talk, how do I get into deeper conversations? I just observed recently that small talk and deep conversations are the same thing, small talk is the vital beginnings of deeper conversations.
Order Chinese take-out and eat it out of the carton with chopsticks. I always see people doing this on tv and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I don’t think the chopsticks are going to work out very well but after a few failed attempts I will switch to a fork. I think it’s more the eating out of the carton that appeals to me.

ETA: That should read, on my bucket list.
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