I'm looking for a bit of advice really. My boss knows I am a vegan (for over 6 months now) and is always coming past my desk when I'm eating either a snack or my lunch commenting - usually pulling a face - and asking what it is in a really disgusted voice. Some of the things have been chocolate covered rice cakes (vegan of course) and peanut bars etc so nothing even weird or anything. I kind of said something one day as I'd had enough but did it in a jokey way.
I thought she had got the message, but today she came over and started the conversation by saying 'I was thinking, seeing as how your a vegan, don't eat nice food and being all about the animals, what hobbies do you have?' She was referring to herself doing some painting with acrylic paints and saying I couldn't do that as it contained animal products. I said I didn't really have any hobbies as such (I normally veg out in front of the telly to unwind) which she couldn't understand at all. The hobby thing aside, I laughed off her comment about me not eating nice food (although my carnivore colleague stood up for me which I thought was really nice) but inside I was quite mad. I can't fall out with her as she's my boss, and I felt it easier to laugh it off but really as Head of HR, I would expect her to be a bit more understanding of other people's choices. My husband thought I should have stood up for myself more and said I shouldn't have laughed it off, but at the time I took the easy option and said nothing. I try very hard not to be a 'preachy vegan' as nobody likes that!
Should I let her get away with it and feel bad that I didn't defend my beliefs, or potentially risk causing unpleasantness for myself? The problem is, she already thinks I take things too personally and worry about things unnecessarily as it is (which isn't true) so do I want to give her more reason to think that?? She doesn't really seem to know how to behave socially and this just proves it!
I just wondered what your thoughts were for the next time she's rude and condescending towards me?
Thank you in advance xxx
I'm looking for a bit of advice really. My boss knows I am a vegan (for over 6 months now) and is always coming past my desk when I'm eating either a snack or my lunch commenting - usually pulling a face - and asking what it is in a really disgusted voice. Some of the things have been chocolate covered rice cakes (vegan of course) and peanut bars etc so nothing even weird or anything. I kind of said something one day as I'd had enough but did it in a jokey way.
I thought she had got the message, but today she came over and started the conversation by saying 'I was thinking, seeing as how your a vegan, don't eat nice food and being all about the animals, what hobbies do you have?' She was referring to herself doing some painting with acrylic paints and saying I couldn't do that as it contained animal products. I said I didn't really have any hobbies as such (I normally veg out in front of the telly to unwind) which she couldn't understand at all. The hobby thing aside, I laughed off her comment about me not eating nice food (although my carnivore colleague stood up for me which I thought was really nice) but inside I was quite mad. I can't fall out with her as she's my boss, and I felt it easier to laugh it off but really as Head of HR, I would expect her to be a bit more understanding of other people's choices. My husband thought I should have stood up for myself more and said I shouldn't have laughed it off, but at the time I took the easy option and said nothing. I try very hard not to be a 'preachy vegan' as nobody likes that!
Should I let her get away with it and feel bad that I didn't defend my beliefs, or potentially risk causing unpleasantness for myself? The problem is, she already thinks I take things too personally and worry about things unnecessarily as it is (which isn't true) so do I want to give her more reason to think that?? She doesn't really seem to know how to behave socially and this just proves it!
I just wondered what your thoughts were for the next time she's rude and condescending towards me?
Thank you in advance xxx