Trumpism discussion

I didn’t know where to put this, either. I understand the sentiment but I wish she didn’t say what she said.
Just wondering what people here think.

I think it's not useful to be speaking of impeachment at this point. (I think there's more than sufficient cause to impeach him, but there's no point if the Senate won't remove him.)

As for the language, it's a term I don't use, because I don't see the point of insulting people's relatives. I prefer to limit my insults to the direct object of those insults. My sister, OTOH, has been using the term with increasing frequency the last years, and she's by far the nicer of the two of us.

As for the pearl clutching from the GOP: IMO, there's no comparison between calling someone a mf and denigrating whole classes of people. They are not even in the same universe.
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Re Trump and immigration:

I wish I could find the video my wife was watching where they pointed out that in the last half century, very few non-citizens have illegally crossed the southern US border compared to those who have crossed the northern border. If that is true, and if Trump is really doing this because he cares about the US, why then isn't he cutting off Canada as well? And what about the shipping ports and airports? Maybe he should just isolate the US entirely if he is really that paranoid!
"He’s not hurting the people he needs to be": a Trump voter says the quiet part out loud

Zack Beauchamp said:
On Monday, the New York Times’s Patricia Mazzei published a dispatch from Marianna, Florida — a small, politically conservative town that depends on jobs from a federal prison and thus has been deeply hurt by the government shutdown. In the piece, Marianna residents grapple with the fact that President Donald Trump, who most residents support, is playing a role in the pain created by lost wages.

Most Marianna residents support Trump’s border wall, his key demand in the shutdown fight, and don’t blame him for the fight. But Crystal Minton, a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother caring for disabled parents, had a somewhat different reaction — one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump’s political appeal.

I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.

Think about that line for a second. Roll it over in your head. In essence, Minton is declaring that one aim of the Trump administration is to hurt people — the rightpeople. Making America great again, in her mind, involves inflicting pain.
Another interesting article:

Elliot Gulliver-Needham said:
If you’ve paid attention to politics on the internet as long as I have, you might have noticed a worrying and confusing trend: traditionally libertarian figures transitioning into alt-right supporters. I’ve followed the ‘classical liberal’ faction of the internet since about 2014, the year I started becoming interested in politics. I was watching Christopher Cantwell before he became known as the "Crying Nazi" when his chant was ‘taxation is theft’, not ‘Jews will not replace us’. I remember Stefan Molyneux when he was debating whether we should have a government, not whether government should be used to promote eugenics.
I wish people would get the parts of the female anatomy straight. The only way anyone can grab a woman's vagina is during the course of surgery on the lower abdomen, since the vagina is completely internal.

*End rant about one of my pet peeves.*

(That's not directed at you, Val; it's directed at the idiot writer.)
I wish people would get the parts of the female anatomy straight. The only way anyone can grab a woman's vagina is during the course of surgery on the lower abdomen, since the vagina is completely internal.

*End rant about one of my pet peeves.*

(That's not directed at you, Val; it's directed at the idiot writer.)
I was lolling about the discrepancies in this idiotic sentence, especially, putting in one row such categories as grabbing pussies and alleged collusion with Rissia. Moreover, Putin is not a moron to help such a person as Trump to win, because (i don't want to criticize your goverment), it was obvious (long before Trump's elections) that Russian-American relationships would fall sub-basement despite of any outcome of the elections. OTOH, Hillary clamed that she hates Russia with all her heart, so she probably was not an option for Moscow as well. There was no lucky way out of this situation for Russia, so it's "highly likely", that Russia didn't intervene at all.
Moreover, Putin is not a moron to help such a person as Trump to win, because (i don't want to criticize your goverment), it was obvious (long before Trump's elections) that Russian-American relationships would fall sub-basement despite of any outcome of the elections.

I am pretty sure at this point that Putin does have "Kompromat" on Dump and uses it to get him to make concessions. Magnitsky act and other topics we do not know about yet. Yes, I think that Putin is a very smart man, and I think he gave his help to Dump to become U.S. president for very good reasons. (Simply having the US sink into chaos among Dump's incompetent leadership is already a very good reason to prefer Dump to Hillary...)
I am pretty sure at this point that Putin does have "Kompromat" on Dump and uses it to get him to make concessions. Magnitsky act and other topics we do not know about yet. Yes, I think that Putin is a very smart man, and I think he gave his help to Dump to become U.S. president for very good reasons. (Simply having the US sink into chaos among Dump's incompetent leadership is already a very good reason to prefer Dump to Hillary...)
Lol, i remembered how, after my complaints, my big boss advised me to switch on my dictophone and record kompromat on my shitty boss.:D ...I think that russian intellegence could get "komprometiruyuschiye materialy" on everybody. And i'm sure that Hillary is not a "god's dandelion" either, and that she has plenty of "dirty laundry" to hide from her electorate. So, following this logic, even if "the long arm of Moscow" couldn't have reached the election results in the meantime, evil russians could have made Hillary behave later, when she wins. But i have a question: is Hillary any better than Trump on the international arena? Speaking of her: claiming that Russia is an enemy and providing sanctions and other "instruments of political pressure" against the biggest country in the world (which, in addition, owns nuclear weapon) is not a very smart thing to do for a candidate, and it doesn't help with trust and loyalty of electorate.
Btw., i agree with most statements in the article that you've posted. Maybe Trump won because he is a good showman, and that he (and his well-paid team) used people's long-time discontent and turned it to his advantage?
Dan Coats is out as Director if National Intelligence. It's a wonder he has lasted this long, because he didn't toe the trump line. He's being replaced by a trump loyalist. We're further screwed.