I like how "cutting down on flights" is even a reasonable option. Most people I know have never been on a plane in their entire life
Yeah most working class people haven't. Living as a child in the American South, I never boarded an airplane, and my older relatives had only been on planes in the military, or once or twice to go to Hawaii or something.
After moving to California, and generally having friends and acquaintances from many different social classes from quite wealthy to homeless, I find it's more common here in general. However, I think middle class people in California fly waaaaay too much. Granted, some of them are forced to fly frequently for business, but ...there's this general attitude...that you know...people will fly at least a few times a year.
I was last on a plane, twice, in 2013. Before that I was on a plane once in 2010. Then twice in 08 or 09, and once in 2006. I flew twice in 2003, and three times in 1999.
I know that all of my roommates are from upper middle class families and expect to fly a couple of times per year, or more.
A lot of this stuff is by social class. Not entirely though. Poor working people in rural areas can drive way too much, never recycle, and eat tons of meat.