Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

They were protesting in Canada? Do you mean about the shutdown?
Here we've had protests across the nation against racial injustice. I'm all for them, and from videos, esp in Cleveland, people were wearing masks, and they were supplied by the groups sponsering the protests, but that many people....
I'm gonna go back to being more careful myself

I saw the rioting on TV and people were wearing masks. Staying safe and anonymous at the same time. win-win.
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They were protesting in Canada? Do you mean about the shutdown?

no, the protests in Canada are regarding George Floyd - although it is not as prevalent we have our own race issues as well and the people of Canada have joined the protests in solidarity - most have been peaceful, as they should be to honour his memory, Montreal protests turned violent last night

we have not had any protests regarding the shutdown, that I know of

Emma JC
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If the test is accurate. "Who knows," was a reference to the disputed reliability of the antibody tests.

I think a negative is pretty safe. It's either a real negative and means you are staying safe or a false negative which means that continuing what you are doing won't do you or anyone harm.

the false positives are the worrisome part. And I hear that some of the tests are giving false positives 50% of the time. A coin flip would be as accurate.
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I think a negative is pretty safe. It's either a real negative and means you are staying safe or a false negative which means that continuing what you are doing won't do you or anyone harm.

the false positives are the worrisome part. And I hear that some of the tests are giving false positives 50% of the time. A coin flip would be as accurate.

Right. This particular test is 50% to 99% accurate depending which source you go by. In other words, we don't have enough data yet.

I share your thoughts on the implications.
hope everyone is well. we might get some more restrictions removed soon. i kind of feel worried about it.. but hopefully all will be ok..
I’ve made several sock masks from different kinds of socks but they don’t fit snugly like the various videos show. I can’t figure out why. I have six and all six bunch at the sides. I made them bigger and then smaller and adjusted the cut that goes over the ear.

I still wear them because they are the most comfortable. I just roll and tuck the loose part but it’s annoying because every video shows a nice tight fit.
I made a sock mask and it fit fine but was so hot! I now have several handmade cotton masks that are cooler but they are still not that comfortable to wear for any length of time, like at work. But it is something we just have to deal with right now. Speaking of work. They installed the plexiglass barriers at the registers which are fine. I just saw this in the jewelry department yesterday. They have a portable plexiglass barrier that the employees have to move in front of the customers! It is a large thing that has legs to hold it up and they have to lift it up onto the counter! Kathy, one of the employees who works that department, told me that it was causing physical problems for them. The regular jewelry workers are senior women and all this lifting isn't good for them! Plus we are constantly exposed to the powerful chemical cleaners we use to clean everything. My allergies are reacting I think. :(
I made two (out of old t-shirts). My neighbor gave me one she made. A friend gave me one that her niece made. My nephew's inlaws sent me two. And I see them for sale everywhere (including on corners). Masks have gone from hard to find to easily attainable.
They even have fashion masks for sale. with matching swimsuits or your favorite sports team logo.
I used to protest a lot, especially when I lived in the Bay Area. We always wore masks for anonymity.

It's weird, but this time, I feel like I should stay home and get some writing done. My writing is related to the issues that people are protesting about. I want to get this thing done before I put myself in danger again.

I know some of the outdoor protests are pretty safe. But I think it's an unpredictable situation with COVID still being around, and the way the cops are responding.
I fear that Sumerian gods were right. They never tell lies or never make up anything to comfort me. They always tell naked truth with no mercy. I even know about the end of the world, which may happen, as we say, "in front of my eyes" (a.k.a. while i'm living). It doesn't make things easy for me. The last terrifying warning i received, was a warning about the earthquake in Croatia. I received it about a week before the actual earthquake, and that time would have been pretty enough to prevent the damage (if i was an "important person"). The news said, the epicenter was 7 kms away from the capital, but Sumerian gods had told me that the real epicenter was under Carpathian mountains, which seems pretty credible. They even showed me a map with patterns of borders and toponyms and with a pattern of seismic waves. I could do nothing but watch the chaos on tv a week later... How many natural (and other) disasters i could have prevented if i were an "important person"... There are no oracles anymore, and sometimes it feels like it's better not to possess a certain knowledge. My brains are not equipped for such quantity of truth.
Why am i saying this? - About a week ago, when i even didn't know about the protests in the US, and of course, there were no protests in other countries, they scared me again. They showed me (in a dream) a map with only patterns of countries. They pointed at one country and said something in proto-Sumerian. I recognized France. Later, they told me it was France. They let me know that there would be a bad "second wave" of covid in France. Plus, right in front of my eyes, two spots appeared (blue and orange). Those big spots had distinctive borders too. The blue one was a little smaller and was separate from the orange (a bigger) one. I had no idea which cities were in those areas, because i'm an illiterate savage, alas. But i memorized those spots' patterns and their locations very well. Then, when i woke up, i told mom about it. When i finally opened my Yandex navigator and looked at the map of France, i was in awe. First of all, the borders in my dream were correct. Also, the orange spot repeated (with high accuracy) the patterns of Paris and the towns in ~100 kms radius. The blue-ish spot (with lower density of contaminated by the alleged second wave) was between Lyon and Toulouse.
Only today i saw that 20000 protesters gathered around Palais de Justice in Paris, and in general, about what's going on in France. No social distancing whatsoever (like in any places where protests take place). So it turns out that Sumerian gods were right? Of course, they were not speaking about France only,- i just couldn't memorize the whole "lecture" they provided (it was just a part of their scarytale). After that night, i preferred not to think about the "second wave" all over the world, but having heard today that the number of infected significantly increased in the US due to the protests, i started thinking... that everything is awful... everywhere. And i'm thinking about the end of the world again, because Sumerian gods don't care if they scare me to death,- their main goal is to tell the truth, and the truth is always ugly. :pout: 🥺
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Ugh... SPb is a dangerous place now.:tinfoilhat: Liza is scared of everything because a lot of their acquaintances got contaminated (one of them died,- he was an orthodox priest). Mom is calling everybody and telling the same exemplary yet cautionary story.:hmm:
The story is the following: on Monday, our acquaintance Galina Tzvetkova posted on VK an "announcement" that she and her family had got infected. She and her daughters used to be our friends in the past. I don't get why my mom still communicates with that horrible woman because she's a betrayer, but that's another story.
That Galina has 3 daughters: Alexandra (Sasha), Lyubov' (Lyuba) and Xenia (Ksyusha). Sasha was my best friend long ago, and Lyuba was Liza's best friend. At first i decided that Galina was a "zero patient", because she works as a kids' neuropathologist, plus she'd been visiting her lover who lives in SPb. But it's more likely that Sasha was that "zero patient" in the family.
Sasha has 2 kids (Susanne and Richard) and husband, Sean Hunter (he's from London). He works here as a subcontractor on building sites. In a nutshell, he's a big boss. They have an apartment here, plus a luxurious apartment in London. Sean is wealthy enough to afford buying his MIL expensive tours across the globe.
So, it appeared to be, that Sasha couldn't wait and invited their personal hair-dresser to their place! I wonder if she adopted this type of behaviour in Europe? Anyway, she could have waited. That hair-dresser was about 60 yrs old, and she had covid, but she was asymptomatic! So Sasha, her kids and Sean got infected. Sasha was the first one who experienced the symptoms. She had very bad fever, but they say that no lung inflammation has been detected yet *fingers crossed*. Sean has mild symptoms, thank god (he's a good guy, and i wish him to recover soon). Galina was communicating with them and got infected too, but she's not bad, despite her asthma. I feel so bad for Ksyusha (the 3rd daughter), who was helping them all without rest, going to grocers, cleaning the houses, going to drug stores, etc., and she and her husband got infected too.
My first concern was Lyuba (the 2nd daughter). Having covid may be fatal for Luyba, because she has HIV. But it seems that she's not infected yet *knocking on the wood*. Luyba has 2 kids too (i've no idea if they have HIV,- no one would tell us), and i hope that she survives (life is not easy for her).
All of the family members had bad diarrhea (as the first symptom). Sasha had the most severe symptoms (40°C-fever for a few days), but she stayed at home. They say, she feels better now. Her kids, Susanne and Richard are almost asymptomatic, because they are little and healthy in general.
What can i say... a disgusting story. The brightest example how mindless behaviour may lead to very sad consequences.
I haven't posted anything about the situation here since Apr.22nd. But i continued writing down this creepy statistics👇, because i thought that it would get better and would help me to calm down and feel more confident and safe. ...It got worse, therefore it didn't help my mental health,- vice versa, this statistics gave me anxiety and fear. They say that Russia has reached a so-called "plateau" (wtf???), but in many regions, the number of new cases (and of deaths) is only increasing.
New cases (from Apr.23rd to Jun.4th):
You can see the dynamics: right after May holidays, shashlyk-mashlyk (bbq), booze with friends, parties at countryside plots, trips "to the nature", etc.,- the number of new cases (a day) skyrocketed (if that's even a word). People are dumb, and all they want is constant entertainment, which is a "russian roulette" nowadays.
That said, there are 441108 contaminated by today in total (in the country); 204623 - fully recovered; 231101 - active cases (those who are still considered sick); 5384 - dead.
About Moscow: 184214 cases in total; 94715 - active cases; 2749 - dead (in Moscow city only, without satellite-towns and Moscow area).
About Moscow area (satellite-towns, settlements and villages): 41958 cases in total; 9877 - active cases; 534 - dead.
About SPb (my city): 17444 cases in total; 6695 - active cases; 264 - dead.
About SPb area: 3034 cases in total; 1829 - active cases; 15 - dead.
It's hard to say whether my hometown belongs to the city or to the area, because, e.g., Telmann's district is a part of Kolpino (it always has been), but it has a separate settlement status, and it officially belongs to the area. I've always believed that geographically, we belong to the area, but officially - to SPb, despite that Kolpino has a status of a separate town (it can't be different, as Kolpino has >300000 citizens, plus its own suburbs).
No one knows what the situation looks like in Kolpino (only rumours are flying around), but there are some towns in SPb area, which have much worse picture, that's for sure (e.g. town Tosno, which is next to out summer cottage!). Anyway, it's not a reason to relax, because most part of Kolpino citizens work in the city.
And, of course, while Elijah, Liza and David are currently staying at the country, they know that going to Tosno's grocery stores is prohibited. (It's really forbidden... but who will forbid hungry crowds of russians and migrants to go whenever they want)?? So Elijah buys food in Koltushi village (at their place), plus, he and mom buy food in 3 countryside kiosks.
P.S.: i can add from myself, that the situation in SPb is still better than in Moscow. Because Moscow's population may be up to 17 million people (unofficially, a.k.a. including migrants), and SPb's population is allegedly 5398064 (by 2020, officially). Despite the very controversial data, a simple proportion shows that the density of contaminated in SPb is much lower than in Moscow. And SPb area is on the 27th place among 85 federal subjects (which is a good sign). I know, my words about "good signs" sound ridiculous,- there is nothing good around (i just want to have some hope). 🤦‍♀️ :pout:
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People are tough in Turkmenistan. Hopefully the situation is ok there?.
From what i managed to find about infected people in Turkmenistan, info of only a few proven cases of covid penetrated into russian mass media (i guess, there are more, as they have built a few huge movable medical centers, a.k.a. field hospitals). But i guess, their crazy dictator may serve them a good service surprisingly: preventive measures are really outstanding. There are certain coutries that cannot afford "falling" into the pit of mass contamination, because their healthcare system won't withstand it. And Turkmenistan is one of them. It has mutual borders with Iran (and everyone knows how bad the situation is in Iran), so it's highly unlikely (lol) that infected humanoids never squeezed through the borders.
P.S. and then fancy Moscovits are complaining about violation of their rights. - I would like them to look at the countries with real dictatorship and think with their cabbage heads. Only Moscovits' spoilt behaviour has lead to those measures that are being imposed on them at the moment.
P.S. i'm really admired of how Armenians are dealing with the problem (btw, Armenia has its borders with Iran too, and covid penetrated from there). Armenians are a very wholesome nation, and i'm sure they will be alright.💖 Everyone is cursing their president Nikol Pashinyan, but i see with my own eyes, what was there "before" and what is "after". He brought at least some order to that land.
...never mind,- i'm in the mood of demagoguery again.😁
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i still think they would be ok. i have been watching you tubes of travel in central asia... it is very quiet... not a lot of people going in and out of these little republics as they are very rural with not lots of facilities.
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