Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Hmm, let's see. the vaccine is free, and has proven to work. The the dewormer costs hundreds of dollars, and there is no scientific evidence that it works, and in fact has resulted in people getting sick.. And oh yes, a hospital stay for COVID is about $73K.

So yea Freedumb.
What does that have to do with freedom? Not only are you using an obnoxious ignorant term but you're using it in a way that makes no sense!
What does that have to do with freedom? Not only are you using an obnoxious ignorant term but you're using it in a way that makes no sense!
People have the freedom to choose not to get vaccinated. That in and of itself is dumb, because the cost of treating COVID is very high vs. a free vaccine. Further, to use animal dewormer to treat COVID is really dumb.

A couple of non Covid examples. In my state you are free not to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, or to have car insurance. Both are Dumb.

Thus Freedumb.
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People have the freedom to choose not to get vaccinated. That in and of itself is dumb, because the cost of treating COVID is very high vs. a free vaccine. Further, to use animal dewormer to treat COVID is really dumb.

A couple of non Covid examples. In my state you are free not to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, or to have car insurance. Both are Dumb.

Thus Freedumb.
The action may be dumb, but the freedom to do it sure isn't!

Not much new news in this article. But I love its frankness and that it doesn't pull its punches.
Also I hope the term, Zombie Death Cult catches on. I'll be using it all the time hoping it catches on. (like Gretchen in Mean girls said Fetch a lot. hopefully with better results).

"From my eyes, these GOP leaders are helping to actively kill people and harm children with their pro-death policies. That should immediately warrant criminal investigations and liability for causing avoidable COVID deaths."
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With all it's inequities, I'll still take our government over your idea of anarchy
In an anarcho-individualist society you and people who think like you can get together and have whatever system you want as long as you don't force it on anyone else.
I do wish they'd mandate the vaccines more or I might think they want us dead!
So if they don't force other to accommodate to you they want us all dead? Your health is your responsibility, if you're afraid of getting sick it's your responsibility to avoid situations where you are likely to get sick, it's not other people's responsibility to make every situation will might encounter totally risk free.
last night Chris Hayes had an excellent segment on Covid and mentioned it in relation to 9/11 so I thought it worth posting the link here... it really is mind blowing "the Pro Covid people" and he lays it out very clearly here - everyone mourns 9/11 (as they should) and the almost 3000 people who died that day and yet every day (right now) 1500 Americans die from Covid so yesterday and today was another 9/11 and there is little mourning from about 25% of the country...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

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There was an opinion piece in the NYT a few days ago. It was well written but anti -mandates. I didn't post it here cause I didn't like it.

Just one of the things I didn't like about it was that it "minimized" Covid by stating that it is 98% survivable. (which is true).

But we must not forget the 4.5 M people world wide who have already died.
or the thousands of people who die each day in the US pretty much because they haven't been vaccinated.
Not to mention the health and emotional costs . In some portions of the country you can't see a doctor for your broken leg or heart attack because they are all tied up in the ICUs.
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I got a text from my younger brother about convincing my sister to get vaccinated. I do not understand why she hasn't done it! When I brought it up to her a few weeks back, she got very defensive and I backed off. Now things are much worse with the Delta variant. Jon (our brother) said he just lost a good friend to Covid so he is stepping up the pressure on Lynda to get the shot. Our other brother is going to talk to her about it. Hopefully if we all "gang up" on her, she will be convinced. I know Fred, her husband, got the shot.