The #1 Underrated Food to Help You Poop.

love those beans - we do try to have some every day - at least 4 times per week - whenever they are on sale for $1.25 a can (no salt) I buy a ton of each kind kidney, black, pinto and chick peas - if I am having oatmeal and my honey is having is favourite minestrone soup and he opens a can I even put some in my oatmeal and he uses up the whole rest of the can (they are 19 oz / 540 ml cans)

Emma JC
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LOL at the headline, but yes, beans are great for keeping the system moving, as they say. I have beans in some form at least three times a week. Love them so much.
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I once had a friend give me a large bag of concord seeded grapes she picked. I put them, seeds and all in the vitamix with just enough water to thin out and drank a large glass. Pooped more than when I had the colonoscopy prep
I actually need to add a couple of teaspoons of psyllium husk to any meal that I make with beans (just sprinkle it on before serving) because beans give me really loose stools. Sorry if TMI....just thought it might helps someone else who has "bean" affected!